5th week of flowering , turnining hermi i think

newb weed grower

Active Member
yah man if this is your first itll be a bit weak
intill u get it all down tyhen ull see big ems
all the same u burned this time u know what to do next time dont cha bet u do
all the same treat her right and i wouldve let her veg a while longer then flower in 12/12
all the same ur doing fine and if u chop now ull never know what couldve been


Well-Known Member
could just be they are slow flowering sativa? looks that way to me judging by the lanky, long stretches of buds. indica would be more 'short and stout' or bushy.
P1000063(1).JPGP1000069(1).JPGP1000109(1).JPGP1000110(1).JPGP1000078(1).JPGP1000067(1).JPGP1000094(1).JPGP1000095(1).JPGP1000093(1).JPGP1000075(1).JPGP1000102(1).JPGP1000080(1).JPGP1000108(1).JPGP1000077(1).JPGP1000105(1).JPGP1000084(1).JPGhere are some new pics, flushing using canna flush. cleaned tank, sealed the light penetration issue. just discovered a red spidermite problem.Oh well i suppose its all learning .


Active Member
You might just pull this out yet. They look good to me at this point. Definitely take care of spider mites, they are hell on your plants. They can really ruin your yields.