5x Dj short's Blueberries..Completely dedicated to our member 'eastcoastmo'

Hey man, whats crackin? You still alive mate?
Sorry for being a dick guys.. I've been working/reading a lot/ working on may garden again.. I moved out for a month and a half and its hectic ..!! I even got a new Kittie..its a male this time and mam he is so active . What's up with you eMo , did regs gave any life sign ? How's the wife ? I sincerely hope all is well ..!! I'm giving a try on the bluebies again..!! I used 5 of the f2's and 7 of the mix..man what will I get :D? I'll upload a PIC from approximately a month ago and I'll take one more when I get home.. Things are going good , and I'm really happy with my moonshine haze mother even I haven't got the chance to flower her..also,she is a piece of cake to clone..even 5cm clones will do !! Let me know how are you man, its been a while..
Hey my man, glad to hear you're still alive and all is well :) i thought you had your own place now??
My wife is doing well at the moment too thanks, we've tried to cut out as much stress as we can, plus my blue shiva seems to be helping keep her symptoms at bay :)
Your babies are looking good man, looking forward to seeing them grow up to be fine ladies :)
I'll get a pic of mine sometime today and post it up for you ;)
20140920_064509.jpg Here's a pic of what ive got going for my next breeding project :)
The ones with the fat leaves are blueberry x shiva skunk, the thinner ones are blueberry x black widow, the sat ones are female seeds c99 and theres one blueberry x medicine man. Hoping to cross the blue rhino to c99 but may have to opt for the blue widow or blue shiva as ive only got one blue rhino to pop.
Oh well , I moved out probably on the 10nth of August,which is almost a month ago , and the pic is that old as well.. You'd be surprised in approximately seven hours ,when I'll be back from work ! You really gotta see how much is going on! I hope I won't fuck if up tho. I'm so glad your wife gets help from mj mate.. It is indeed a miraculous plant . I really don't know much if any about it's medical properties but I'm sure there are . It's so nice to hear from you !! And man,you're seriously into breeding..!! I really really want to grow out my males and pick a winner . How do you keep those ball bearers from pollinating everything ? I've read that there is a sweet spot before the sacks open,then you carefully collect your pollen and you know the rest !!.. I'd really love to get a strain going ..!! Man I still have the whole blueberry crop which I am not touching so far. It creeps me out so bad..!! Its for sure tasteless(and its totally my fault) but the high.. I probably harvested at clear trics,and I swear its racy and anything but the go to sleep bitch I was looking for out of em. This time for sure,I'll keep em healthy no super soils fer sure.
Ah ok man i get ya, good stuff, sounds like you been hella busy :)

Man im pretty happy the ganja is helping my missus too, it just sucks that we can get busted drug driving the next day if she has it before bed :( so she has to be careful as she gets called out during the night sometimes!
Man i LOVE breeding hey, i really wish i could do it as a job lol. Those ones in the pic are the ones i chose to keep, i had close to 80 seedlings and chose these ones. Today i found the boy i'll be using...the blue rhino is a boy so it will be an open pollination from here, no need to keep the boy round. Im really hoping to create a similar like strain to the gsc but with the cbd from the medicine man (rhino).

Sounds like you did pick the blueberry bit early too, clear trichs makes it very racey. If you go for about 15-20% amber and the rest milky you'll be on your arse ;)

Edit- holy shit dude, that room is packed lol. Looking awesome man, you got your shit dialled in now :-D
Hahahahhaha ... Yeah ma man . Breeding is wonderful and NOT to mention how many seeds you get.. I'll be harvesting my autos in a little more than a month ? I'd like to assume that. From there,I'll be using photoperiodic plants only. Maybe pop some along the way but not 18+ as I did now..( I had the beans..heh) .

Definitely too soon to harvest..they were fed heavy from the supersoil,and just when they were coming back,I had to cut em to move out..sucks. Yet I can witness how powerful it was even grown improperly ..;)

Got any ideas for a non+open pollination?

I also want to add some T5's,with a mixed spectrum and uvb lights from a reptile store. Its another lil experiment I want to witness myself..

Still have to battle with that effing RH .. How efficient is an AC unit ?
The whole house where I am at now is 54 square metre. If that helps.. I already have one installed in my living room- kitchen,not too far away.
I;ve got the same idea on my mind.THe room sits near 70% and sometimes it drops to 55-65% .There is a constant airflow as well.How much does it drop it ?Or what's the difference that you see ?
Hahaha I see. Would you go for a 250w dehumidifier or a 900w air condition? The did is huge lol..I think I'll go dehumidifying
Depends on the heat level. I needed cooler and drier air. So I went with the AC. The room didn't have any AC so it was nice to have. Being in a desert climate I need humidity usually more than I need to remove it.
I'd say give it a good reading . I'll be giving it a shot for sure.

Dr. Courtney and his wife Kristen began juicing cannabis after experimenting with raw cannabis. For many years, Kristen struggled with systemic lupus. When her condition improved dramatically following several weeks of saturating with raw cannabis, they were convinced they had discovered a cure for chronic illness. Kristen shares, "You wouldn't consider a Diabetic addicted to Insulin. I have an Endogenous Cannabinoid Deficiency. When I drink the leaf, I feel more attentive, more awake. I can breathe better. I don't get heartburn or stomach pain, or feel muscle weakness or lower back or pelvic pain. By eating it, I am able to saturate much more so than I could. Even if I was smoking all day long, I wouldn't be able to saturate as heavily as I can juicing. I think the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial which is CBN, and the THCA and Cannabidiol are all helpful. But I think, more importantly, it is the interplay of all the cannabinoids together that causes the most benefit. That when you isolate each one and take it alone, or take it as a pure synthetic it can't have the benefits. It doesn't have the same effects that they all have together. I thought: How does everyone not know about this. I felt right then and there my focus in life had to be helping other people in my same situation to get this information to use as well."
Both Dr. Courtney and his wife share the joy of helping others with raw cannabis: "It makes you feel good when they come back, and they have stopped using something that causes GI tract bleeding or causes liver damage, pain pills and anti-inflammatory drugs. You feel like it's worth the whole struggle to get the education out there."

"Raw dietary use is the only way to get the full benefit of this plant." Juicing is considered the best process to utilize cannabis as a food, second to browsing on fresh picked buds and leaf. Browsing, 5 or 6 times a day, is recommended to address the cannabinoid serum levels clearing 45 minutes after absorbtion. Eating a flower cola, chewing the intact cannabinoid rich fibers is recommended for advanced illness or those seeking the best clinical prevention from a fresh bud.
The problem: "The throat irritation is based on the fact that the stems of cannabis have sharp little hairs" from Why the raw cannabis juicing trend may not be all it's juiced up to be -Xeni Jardin is null, according to: Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future -David Wolfe: "Hemp leaves contain a high percentage of silica and fiber. One side of the leaf is soft and the other side is abrasive, so as the leaf is eaten and the fiber moves through the body, the sides of the leaf churn through the tract, scrubbing and softly cleaning the intestines."
A wheatgrass juicer is recommended for large quantities of leaf, and a blender is best when juicing buds. Raw cannabis, not rinsed, should be stored in the refrigerator within sealed green produce bags for up to two weeks, and juice should be kept on ice in the fridge for up to 3 days or frozen until needed. To prepare leaves for a juicer, soak in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes. Make sure the leaves are entirely clean before soaking, even if they are organically grown. Coconut oil can lubricate the leaf through the masticating herb juicers.
Plants sprayed with any pesticides shouldn't be eaten, but some pests are edible, such as spider mites.

Mature, raw bud has a higher concentration of cannabinoids than leaves (especially mature Leaf), and is an excellent method of consumption if you have the resources to make this possible. Leaf produces alternate ratios of CB's than flower, so they are best combined. Bud should be at the state where the trichomes are full present but not yet amber (i.e. cloudy); Leaf for eating or juicing should be picked from plants in the vegetative stage. Indica and Sativa leaves mature between 70-85 days, Ruderalis plants between 40-65 days. Due to the sequential appearance of cannins, the vertebrate health condition may respond better to younger plants, even halfway through maturity.
It is recommended that you dilute the acidic cannabis juice; lemons, garlic, yogurt and hemp oil and hemp milk are often in the mix. Dr. Courtney describes, "I started out with carrots. I do four in the morning, four in the afternoon, but after eating carrot juice for five or six months you begin to turn orange a little bit. I knew someone in college who actually did and so I now put in beets and broccoli. Just because Bush doesn't like it; I figure it's got to be good for you. Anything laying around, Kales (etc.)