5x5 tent watercooled Co2 overshoot ppm3 evc-1


Well-Known Member
5x5 tent air cooled 600 sentinal evc-1 connected to cap ppm3 set at 1200ppm running the HydroGen watercooled co2 gendrain to waste. everything works well except the ppm3 takes too long to recognize the co2 incease and after it reaches the shutoff the ppms stabilize around 2300. the co2 gen is in front right corner and the ppm3 is in the back right corner with a rotating fan in the front left blowing across the tent. is the overshoot avoidable?


Well-Known Member
I have experienced similar issues with my Sentinel CHHC-4, but decreasing the CO2 deadband helped a lot. It still isn't perfect but it is more sensitive and keeps it closer to the desired PPM.

BTW, I use a tank so it's a little different.


Well-Known Member
Move the 2 closer together and set your hydrogen on it's lowest setting. On another note. the ppm3 can only safely switch a 1/2 amp load. If your firing the ignitors or running a waterpump with it, it's just a matter of timer before it sticks.


Well-Known Member
the ppm3 has a hysterisis of 50 ppm once it reaches 1250ppm it kicks off but after that the ppms rise to about 2300ppm

think the hydrogen is on the low setting ill check that next time. and the piggyback is plugged into the co2 plug on the evc-1 and is controlling a water solenoid on the house water supply that feeds the watercooled co2 the ignitors are plugged into constant power and water pressure triggers the ignitors


Well-Known Member
The best way to prevent an overload to the internal solid state relays in these controllers is to use them to fire another relay or contactor that is capable of switching the load without damage.

That is the weakest link I have found on these controllers is they are really meant to be a "pilot" device and not an actual load switching center. Switching loads that are at or near the contact ratings are a sure path to a failure.

