6 1/2 weeds since 12/12 and little progress

I have an unknown bagseed that I am growing indoors under one 50watt hps and about 80 watts of 2700k cfl's. I did flower the plant a little early (about 3 weeks into veg) and its been under 12/12 lighting for about 6 and a half weeks. There are white hairs on mostly ever node site but it isn't anything like I thought it should be. I am using cheap nutes and I am certain that there isn't much light leaks if any. Why is this plant taking so long? Any help will be greatly appreciated.



soil is just as important as lighting so why not tell everyone some details on that and show pics.


Active Member
unkown bagseed means its probably crap bud so the seed is bad. lighting is poor. and nutes are cheap. and u didnt veg i tlong enough. those are the reasons y u have a bad plant really
Here are a few pics.. I know the quality isn't state of the art. I am using the LST and yes I cut the bottom out of the first pot and sat it on another pot to give the roots more room. I can't remember the exact soil brand, but it did have time-release nutes(3months) and the ph right now is about 6.2-6.4. I have been using 15-15-15 mixed with my fishtank water. I spray about 3 times per day with club soda.. it seems to like it. My temps stay between 84 and 88.




Active Member
Well - from what I can see, there are several things wrong here:
1. IMO that's not enough light for that plant to thrive - especially during flower.
2. That pot/dirt volume is still not enough. Have you seen the root system these plants put out?
3. Hopefully you are not spraying that club soda on the leaves with the lights on? (In all actuality, most of the people that comment on spraying the leaves say that you only need to do it while cloning, or in veg only - not in the flower cycle). When you spray water on leaves with the lights on, it will magnify the strength of the lights, and burn the leaves...the "burn" looks more yellow than brown.

Questions - are you using any micro-nutrients with your feedings? With all the other possible problems as mentioned above, it looks as if that plant is lacking nutes as well. How often do you feed? Even with "cheap" nutes (as you mentioned), it should still look better than that. Do you water until it comes out the bottom?

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
yes stone fish is right the pot is too small and u defenatly have some sort of "burn" it my be from the cheap nutes or foil spray u only need to folar spray during cloneing and ur light situation is no good to fix the problem first go to home depot or ur nerest lighting store and pick up a 150 watt hps or mh light make sure it has a built in ballest and get that hooked up and running then transplant it into a bigger pot this should help ur situation for the least amout of money and still ur not even close to a real setup but this will atleast work but agin ur looking at almost no bud when its done becuse of the light u realy need atleast a 400 watter to realy see anything u can smoke.


Well-Known Member
lighting is not the problem at all. if you have 80 watts of cfls and that hps on one plant you'll be fine. you wont yeild alot, but enough for personal.

50 watt hps though?? i have heard of a 70 watt, but not 50. doesnt mean that it doesnt exist, just never seen one.

anyways. follow the given instructions about the nutes and the bigger pot. she is probably root bound and nute deficient for sure.

here is a pic some plants a couple grows ago that had way less than 400 watts of lights on them, only 5 out of 9 weeks through (all cfl's). plenty to smoke.



Well-Known Member
get some Epsom salt to that girl too, looks like you got the beginnings of an mg def. 2T per gal. with my feedings is what I give mine and works out. That could lead to slow growth too


Well-Known Member
ive flowered a plant inna lil pot like that had no problems from wat i hear of fdd he proved there no such thing as root bond


Well-Known Member
there is a such thing as rootbound. too much roots, not enough soil with nutrients.

you can get around this by feeding often and giving it close proper care, but for the novice or average grower root bound is a very real thing.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
are you ph'ing when youmix up your nutes. youwant lessnitregon and more PK during flower. you want no light leakes whilelights are off. as for the bigger pot if you just water or feed more often you willbe ok, but bigger would not hurt.....
Well - from what I can see, there are several things wrong here:
1. IMO that's not enough light for that plant to thrive - especially during flower.
2. That pot/dirt volume is still not enough. Have you seen the root system these plants put out?
3. Hopefully you are not spraying that club soda on the leaves with the lights on? (In all actuality, most of the people that comment on spraying the leaves say that you only need to do it while cloning, or in veg only - not in the flower cycle). When you spray water on leaves with the lights on, it will magnify the strength of the lights, and burn the leaves...the "burn" looks more yellow than brown.

Questions - are you using any micro-nutrients with your feedings? With all the other possible problems as mentioned above, it looks as if that plant is lacking nutes as well. How often do you feed? Even with "cheap" nutes (as you mentioned), it should still look better than that. Do you water until it comes out the bottom?
The only thing I am using now is 15-15-15 All Purpose Miracle-Grow and I feed it about every other watering.. If I don't put it outside I water every 3 or 4 days and yes I feed it until water comes out the bottom.

yes stone fish is right the pot is too small and u defenatly have some sort of "burn" it my be from the cheap nutes or foil spray u only need to folar spray during cloneing and ur light situation is no good to fix the problem first go to home depot or ur nerest lighting store and pick up a 150 watt hps or mh light make sure it has a built in ballest and get that hooked up and running then transplant it into a bigger pot this should help ur situation for the least amout of money and still ur not even close to a real setup but this will atleast work but agin ur looking at almost no bud when its done becuse of the light u realy need atleast a 400 watter to realy see anything u can smoke.
The reason I can only have such a small amount of light is heating issues, although it I try to get it out in the direct sunlight for 3-5 hours a day. Yes, I agree about the pot size. I just need to find the appropriate shaped pot with the most volume that will fit in my small grow space.

get some Epsom salt to that girl too, looks like you got the beginnings of an mg def. 2T per gal. with my feedings is what I give mine and works out. That could lead to slow growth too
How much salt should I use per gallon? I'm not familiar with mg deficiencies, but I suspect it isn't getting enough of something(along with enough light)

are you ph'ing when youmix up your nutes. youwant lessnitregon and more PK during flower. you want no light leakes whilelights are off. as for the bigger pot if you just water or feed more often you willbe ok, but bigger would not hurt.....
I water it with 7-7.2ph fish tank water to compensate for the originally low ph the soil had. I tested the water that drained out of the bottom of the pot to get the 6.2-ish ph reading..

Thanks for all your replies. Unfortunately, I don't think I can give this baby ideal conditions, but I know I can do better than this. I will post some more picks in a week or so. Hopefully it will be doing better. Thanks for all advice.
