6.5 feet tall almost ready


Active Member
ok i have been growing these bad girls since feb. and they are 6.5 feet tall...the strain is purple #1 from dutch passion...they were under a 400watt bulb and just kept kept getting taller...they are now under a 1000watt light because the light was not reaching the bottoms...to top buds are fat but still have alot of white hairs...since the switch in lights the bottoms are filling in nicely...but no where near the top...here are a few picks of the tops...are they done or a few more weeks are needed...sorry for the lines on the pics the light is so bright...



Well-Known Member
For the last week by computer wont upload the attached pictures when I try to make them larger and this is pissing me off. But from the thumbnail I can see on the thread the colas look massive! Great job! The only advice I have is that if you haven't heard you can buy a 60x-100x magnify glass/gun looking contraptioin at radio shack. I have one a buddy let me borrow and it is sweet. You can closely moniter the trichs and what is going on to know when to harvest! good luck


Well-Known Member
harvest when your crystals are mostly cloudy if you want a up happy high and if u like me and you wanna be straight stoned and chill thwn you wait a lil longer and harvest when most crystals are amber colored....get a 30-50x jewelers loupe and you be able to tell what i mean


Active Member
thanks i think im the same way as far as the high is...any advice about the lower buds...can i harvest only the tops????


Active Member
yeah good question...

Anyone know if you can chop a plant in 2 stages? Take off the top, lower the lights and cook the bottom.

I'm taking a stab in the dar and say that the plant would get too stressed, but if anyone knows for sure...