6.5 weeks flowering - increased yellow, wilting leaves. Phosphorous deficiency?


Well-Known Member
I have a 4 plant (1x Skunk#1 and 3x AK48) scrog, flowering for 6.5 weeks now.

Some bud leaves of the Skunk#1 started sloowly turning yellow about a week and half ago. I didn't think nothing of it, as I was told yellowing leaves towards the end of flowering is normal.

As the buds still appear small, for being 6.5 weeks into flowering, I was told that they might take more time flowering.. if thats the case, how come theyre already yellowing if theyre behind schedule?

It started with lower branches, now it spread and the main top bud is starting to yellow aswell. Some leaves are wilting.. The leaves are not completely yellow, in the middle its dark green, looks powdery.

There were 2 instances where I overnuted, as I was using a teaspoon for measuring, which was way off. I might have given 2 or 3x the normal dosage, that was the 4th week into flowering.

Of course I researched first before I posted this, I came across pictures of phosphorous deficiency which looked similar to mine. Can someone confirm this?



Well-Known Member
Some additional info.

Lights: 250w hps, cool tube
Distance: 30cm/ 12 inches
Temps: Lights off 21C / 71F, Light on avg: 28C, 82F
RH: 40 - 55%
Nutes: Plagron Alga Grow until 2nd week flowering, switched to Plagron Alga Bloom

>>> Plagron Alga-bloei contains: 13% phosphor, 14% potash, 1.5% nitrogen, trace elements, vitamins, enzymes, growth hormones, ferments and more than 20 types of amino acids.



I think you might be strong with the nutes or over/under watering problem. I would Try using normal water flush and let dry fully see if the new growth is good


Advanced Floriculture Ooze & Final Bloom is like Krack on Steroids.


Active Member
Of course I researched first before I posted this, I came across pictures of phosphorous deficiency which looked similar to mine. Can someone confirm this?
Do any of the symptoms match mag deficiency pics? http://www.greenmanspage.com/guides/plant_abuse.html
Do you use r/o or distilled water?
Magnesium deficiency will exhibit a yellowing (which may turn brown) and interveinal chlorosis beginning in the older leaves. The older leaves will be the first to develop interveinal chlorosis. Starting at leaf margin or tip and progressing inward between the veins. Notice how the veins remain somewhat green though as can be seen in figure 15.

Notice how in Figure 16 and 17 the leaves curl upwards like they're praying? They're praying for Mg! The tips may also twist.
^from greenman's page. The only reason I'm looking at this over phosphorous is the upward curling.


Well-Known Member
yea your right, mg deficiency might be another possibility. Thanks!
I went by the grow shop and showed the owner a picture and he thinks i over nuted. Not that i want to believe everything he says. But since im nearing the end, i took his advice and will just water them with phd water.


Well-Known Member
It's not a P deficit. Deficits don't burn leaf tissue. U burnt the plants because u used much more fert than u were supposed to.
But there's hope for u buddy boy because u had the foresight to grow in soil. Water copiously and don't fert for a few wks and resume at lower rates first. You'll be ok. A tea spoon? What were you thinking?

Edit...pls don't remove any yellowing fan leaves. Let em dry and fall off themselves, and one more thing. Pay no attention to anyone who tells you it's the ph.
They are called ph police. Guys who don't know wtf they're talking about so they blame any and all plant problems on ph issues. Ph issues in soil are rare.