6.5 Weeks - What Now? *Pics Included*!

Fwiz Fwy

Active Member
Well, I'm at about 6 1/2 weeks or so... and everything has been running smoothly. Should I switch to warm lights? Because I'm doing the 1 plant, 40x2 watt Flourescent lights. I was using cool for veg state, and now switched to warm... Is this a female judging by the pictures, or are you unable to tell? Is it healthy and at a reasonable height. Just anyone who can critique it and give me some answers about it would be extremely helpful :peace:



Active Member
it is to close to call. but it looks like a female. wait for a week or 2 under the warm lights 12/12 and it should be easy to see. balls are male hairs are females.


Active Member
If they were my plants i would wait to flower them but u may have other reasons for doin it, but it prob wont yeild much off of that plant in the pic.As far as its health it looks pretty good so far.usin any nutes or n e thing???

Fwiz Fwy

Active Member
No nutes or anything, just have it in peat moss/soil with some nutes.. and rocks at the bottom for drainage, i really havent messed with any nutes.. been keeping it all nautral.

I mean how much longer would you veg it for? My ideal yield size would be an ounce, and i'd be more then pleased with that... but yeah, should i still veg if im trying to obtain that?


Active Member
Ummm. it all depends on how much stress ur plant went through durin the grow!!If ur plant did not have any nutrient deficencys or any foilage browning or anything like that during veg.and the same goes wit the flowerin stage as well, no nute def. brown foilage and so on.Also durin flowerin ur plant must not be subject to any light source while in its dark cycle(as u prob. already know).Just make sure u keep up on the plant and hopein that it's a girl than u should be fine with that limit.But i would suggest maybe going to a lil bit of nutes for flowerin during the bloomin stage.If applied as directions tell u to then ur yeild usally double evn triple sometimes.I suggest fox farm!no expense and work great.If intrested in usin these tell me and il tell ya which ones to buy.But i would prob. let ur plant grow a lil while longer in veg. prob. about 2 weeks to let it get a litte bigger.While u let it grow in these next 2 weeks in veg. i would put a little fan by it!!This will thicken all of ur stems which is a must if u want ur plant able to with hold the amount of yeild u want.Just keep doin what ur doin now for about 2 more weeks with a fan blowin on ur plants(dont turn the fan on so high that its makin ur ladies rock lol).if u do that then i dont see y not u cant obtain ur goal,maybe even more!!!let me know how it goes and keep us posted wit the pics.


Well-Known Member
dont flower yet let it veg for a couple more weeks to get a lil bigger then put it on 12/12 and in a week u will know the sex

Fwiz Fwy

Active Member
alright my dudes, i threw in the veg bulbs again. im gonna rock out for two more weeks with the veg, stuntman where can I get these nutes at? I have no problem using nutes, I just didn't know what to obtain, and where to obtain it at... I know it went through a little stress in the beginning because of lack of light (I was a newb using a halogen when I was sprouting the seed - but only used that for a week...)

There has been no problems with brown leaves, or any even small signs of lack of nute deficiency, so my main concern was that I might of stressed it out early on...

I'll do veg for two more weeks and see how it goes there after. I hope it turns out to be a female because it's been exciting.


Well-Known Member
looking good there FF.....for nutes....garden supply stores or your local hydro shop....and look for something organic.....if thats what ur aftr....and in my view.....there are benefits to keeping it simple. You may be encouraged by people to add this that and the kitchen sink.....and its easy to get carried away.....that's not to say that the complex concoctions that they all sell won't help its just a personal preference to stick with the basics, I guess.

Fwiz Fwy

Active Member
Alright, I am going to switch back to the veg lights this evening when I get a minute, I put the warm lights in yesterday but they haven't been on long at all... Ill go 18/6 for another 2 weeks to make sure i'm alright. I definitely need to pick up some nutes today so any ideas or suggestions would be great, and tahoe i do agree with you for multiple reasons that I just want to keep it simple. This to me is more of a science project :), so anything I get out of this will make me joyful. haha


Well-Known Member
No need to switch back to veg ff. If you want more than an ounce then it's probably wise but not needed. All depends on how much growing space you got. Just remember you can expect your plant to double or triple in size during flowering.


Well-Known Member
it is def to early to tel.. give it another week or two max and you'll know. if it grows pistils (white hairs) it is a female, and green "sacs" it is a male, and will have to be removed from the other females.


Well-Known Member
really? 2 warm 40watt flo lights aren't enough??
Raeman1990 is right.. your buds will be loose, airy and light. running at 80 watts (about 3600 Lumens is minimal for flowering) you need closer to 5000 lumens for a succesful grow, and 7500 is optimal (per square foot). try adding 2 more 40 watt fluoro's and you will have some decent bud. It will def grow better with 4 more fluoro's, if you can afford... (you will have some kick ass tight bud)


Well-Known Member
yeah i like to shoot for 6000 lumen to 7500 lumens per plant, that ensures decent growth, plus adding cfls around the bud sites will help lower bud sites to form better.

Fwiz Fwy

Active Member
I was going to add a 100w High Pressure Sodium HID light... with the 2 flo tubes, should that be sufficient ?


Well-Known Member
As long as your lumens max out at more than 5000 lumens per sq ft you should have enough. That HID light will help with vegging but not flowering.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm at about 6 1/2 weeks or so... and everything has been running smoothly. Should I switch to warm lights? Because I'm doing the 1 plant, 40x2 watt Flourescent lights. I was using cool for veg state, and now switched to warm... Is this a female judging by the pictures, or are you unable to tell? Is it healthy and at a reasonable height. Just anyone who can critique it and give me some answers about it would be extremely helpful :peace:
:joint:i would certainly wait until i veg it some more..why, because you want yeild and good smoke,unless your growing dank as a house plant?!


Well-Known Member
Now telling if it's male or damsel..well put it in a darken area for about twelve(12)hours everyday for about two(2) weeks and you can tell.Remember females have white hairs(pistillate) coming out from node branches.