6.5 wks into flower and I really need some advice.. spidermites and PM ..


like the post says im 6 1/2 weeks into flower and have pm spreading like crazzy the last few days. Ive been told to spray with a 50/50 mix of 3% hydrogenperoxide and water to treat the pm or hold it at bay until i can harvest..which im planning on doing early but i want to make it to atleast 8 weeks if i can guys! well last night when inspecting my garden i found 3 spidermites :\ , yes i have had them in the past but after being treated i have had no signs of them for 5 weeks. Im looking for advice on making the best of my situation.. can i make to week 8 with these issues safely ?? what do you guys recommend?? can i still or should i still do a 50/50 mix that i stated above now that ive seen spider mites ??? ive also considerded doing a habenero spray for the mites but all this spraying scares me at this point.. please help!ogkush1.jpg I have had a post in here recently about the pm just wanted to make a new one since i found spider mites. Also I have checked my trichlomes they are 50-60% milky and rest are clear, pistol color varies depending on strain the og kush pictured has alot less orange hairs then the sim-13 ( didnt have a photo that had no HPS ) sim13 is about 60% orange hairs now.. Temps range from 75 lights off to 90 with lights on, i do have 4 of the co2 bags in there to help compensate for the high temps. RH doesnt get above 32% lights on or off.. I am still running my fans to circulate air ( pm spores spreading but i need circulation? how do i win here? ) Also I am still running my nutes and am waiting on responses to know if i need to start flushing and getting ready for harvest..


Active Member
Oh damn, that sucks big-time. :-( My brother swears by 1-2 Tbsp. of apple cider vinegar in a gallon of water, foliar fed. Not sure how often he sprays but I'll ask.

Best of luck
Use Azamax from General Hydroponics for the spider mites, drench your soil and do a foilar spray with it as well. since you've caught it early, you should be able to get it under control with Azamax. I think it's the best for mites, go get some ASAP. Amazon has it too. I'd be more worried about the PM. Might want to try some fungicide and circulate the shit out of your air.
Agree azamax is the best, regular applications and they will die, as for the pm the peroxide will work well, iv seen Cervantes soak moldy budds in it!


Active Member
Agree azamax is the best, regular applications and they will die, as for the pm the peroxide will work well, iv seen Cervantes soak moldy budds in it!
Jorge Cervantes? Damn. As if I didn't have enough reason to dislike that dude. Would you mind linking said video, cuz that statement brings your credibility into question. (not Jorge's though... He didn't have credibility to start)