6-8 month Veg?


Well-Known Member
this is something that I am considering, starting veg in like Nov. Dec. indoors, veg all the way through, put in ground in April May... I would assume they would be 5-7 ft tall or more when they go outside, and then another 3-5 months until harvest.... what ya'll think?


Well-Known Member
i think you have no idea on how big they can get

so how are you going to get the forklift into your house to get the 15 foot trees out ?

bad idea , start some from seed in jan and keep um under floros , then trim the crap out of them when its needed to maximise the rootball , still expect 4-5 foot plants bu may time


Well-Known Member
If you can think every aspect of this through and have the resources/location/balls to make it work...then yea, go for it and be sure to make a grow journal! But I mostly agree with moggys; your plan would likely have ridiculous results, but probably not in a good way.

If you're growing in your backyard and have the space/security to grow marijuana TREES (literally...they would look like trees), then maybe this could work. Very few people have that scenario though. But if you're planning on growing them and moving them anywhere then forget it. I did that with a bunch of 3 ft plants this season and it was rough. Doing it with 6 footers would be completely insane.


Well-Known Member
i started a crystal skunk from g13 labs on january 1st, it is predominately sativa, put it outside in michigan on 4-20, it's currently just over 11 feet tall. i topped it the day i put it out and the two main branches are 7 feet each.

started a white widow and blue cheese the same time, predominately indica, put outside the same day... the white widow is almost six feet now, she was topped by nature and is at least as wide as she is tall, blue cheese hasn't gotten too tall, bout five feet, but it's also as wide as it is tall.

i'll let you know final sizes at the end of october, and pics of em during harvest.... 10 months of total grow

p.s. i grow in drainage ditches, if you use soy fields wait till mid june to put out, they spray the fields with round-up.


Well-Known Member
well... there are a variety of ways to make it work, and I have 4 months to think it through and work it out! This is something I have been thinking about for a while, like the amount of lighting, space, nutes, size of pots, co2 etc. I will need, thinking like investing $400 total into each one. Will come up with ways to support whatever if I need to. Hoping for 20 foot plants netting like 2-4 pounds!!! we're talking 20 gallon waterings!!!! From what I can tell, root mass and plant size determine the amount of food to give to a plant, therefore, give these bitches like $100 worth of nutes wholesale!
I think every one should be starting plants everywhere, and letting nature take its course... clones (both male and female), seedlings, seeds, whatever... overgrow, represent! and then everyone can do this!


Well-Known Member
ohhhh so you got your card..Yeah definatly do it..make a journal out of this and im subscribed..good luck my man:blsmoke:


Active Member
sounds like a lumberjack experience bro... maybe you can sling a hammock in there somewhere so you have a place to rest between waterings...good luck and post some pics!!!


Well-Known Member
there not gunna be trees unless there mostly sativa's.

i don't see why these people are making it sound hard to move a four month old plant. five gallon buckets with dirt and weight from veg are only gunna be about 20-25 lbs. i use either a kayak or a chevy s10 to move my plants with the s10 i just put piece of plywood over the bed and lay em down... when i start plants outside i have to carry 40 lbs bags of dirt for every two plants anyway.


Well-Known Member
thats awesome man...kudos to you for the idea....i do hope you achieve monster trees...i saw someone do this along time ago...i think it was from off the O.G. site back in the day...it was a complete monster...no shit...


Active Member
I agree with some of the previous points made, as in unless u are moving them into ur back yard then it may be difficult to move them ( but not impossible). as for anything else i have seen pics of outdoor grows where the plants are in excess of 20ft this is obvious as there is a 6ft bloke stood next to it and it is towering ove him in full bloom. Go for it man do it right and you will have some nice nugs and a huge yield.


Well-Known Member
I wanna take a good look both at pics of these 20+ ft plants, and more importantly close ups that compare the colas to the finished dried nuggets. That would really help at this time. I have heard recently of an undying 20 year old mother indica pot plant here in Cali that is over 60 feet tall, and almost indistinguishable between some of the trees that grow around it!


Well-Known Member
WOW! I remember the guy from overgrow who had water being pumped to his plants from a pond or something, he had like 10 7x7 bushes! or bigger?


Well-Known Member
I read some story on overgrow about a guy who had a plant inside. He kept it all summer, into the fall. In the winter, he just couldn't bear to kill it, so he ran an electrical line outside, put the plant outside, and built a rickety building around it. It got (supposedly) to 16 feet tall before someone turned him in and he got busted. That's dedication there, constructing a whole freaking *building* around one annual plant. Heh.