6 Black people (NONE-RACIST) around a car with a wire hangar...wat to think???

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Good one Cracker, I love that show.

But actually rather than a black guy who would smoke up all my weed I was thinking about a trunk monkey.

It's a monkey trained to kick the shit out of people, you just hit the trunk release button and he's off going ballistic on whoever is causing you trouble.
if you scared say you scared.its in your hood u just gonna let somebody take some shit and not say nothing to nobody.maybe a coward move.but probably the right thing to do...lol
Wow so I pissed you off so much trying to straighten you out because my sister... And you do this, and then create a fake quote based on a joke post.

Cool man, cool.

Way to pick your battles. All I did was politely attempt to correct you, Now I'm tempted to really tear you a new one.

Yeah and because someone shares their opinion about an unrelated issue, theyre obviously insensitive to rape victims. At least your sentiment is logical. Pick my battles? Telling someone not to post on an internet forum, and IM picking my battles? Seig heil forum nazi.

You exemplify why internet forums are such a beautiful thing, because even fucking morons such as your self can spread their bloody dirrerhea of misinformation across the
white toilet paper that is the internet? Tempted to tear me a new one? Go ahead and try you facist fuck, I feel sorry for your sister, not because of what happened. Rather because she has a horrible piece of shit for a brother like you, And not just because you deem it nessisary to bring up her most intimate violation on the internet. Temped to tear me a new one? Ahahahahahahahahaha, Do it.

You catch me adding any false information on this shit, do it. You've been here 22 months and have 5,660 posts on here Ill be generous 5660/24/30=7.86111111 posts a day. GET.A.FUCKING.LIFE And quit sharing rape victim stories, especially ones you know in real life, what an asshole. Temped? Please facist
Oh crap.... Freezer is onto the count equations.... I'm screwed....

You should really deduct at least 6 hours form the 24 .... everyone sleeps that much.

what's that work out to?
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