6 day old seedling, when to nute?


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I have 8 jilly bean seedlings, and i was wondering when i should start my veg nutes. I am going 100% organic (Half my nutes are certified, the other half I made) and I was wondering when would be a safe time to start feeding them? I have used blacstrap molasses for their first watering, along with ground up mycorhizzial stuff. I have a tea I can make, but I am afraid of hurting my babies!

They are in light warrior soil with some earthworm castings mixed in.

Would post a photo but i deleted it off my pc, so i can be found here https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/341110-help-i-stink-utilizing-my.html

Sorry, I dont know how to make the "here" button my link :( wouldn't mind a PM telling me how to make neat looking links.


Well-Known Member
I would feed them lightly around week 3 or 4 depending on your soil composition. I grew JillyBean 3 or 4 times this last winter and she was pretty content with minimal effort. Applied fish fert a couple times in veg and some bat guano around week 2 of flower.


Well-Known Member
OH! you did jillybean eh? What kind of height should I expect out of these plants? And how does this particular strain respond to topping?

Thanks all for the info... I may still go against the common knowledge and give them lite organic nutes. After all, my head is as hard as a rock, and I am not using store bought powerful nutes. Will post the results if I do.


Well-Known Member
I flowered some seeds that finished around 3 feet or so, but once I started flowering her clones I was finishing around 2 feet. The short plants yielded fatter buds and didn't have as many little shoots to process. As for topping, I don't like it. I've recently got into supercropping and it is insane. So much better than topping IMO.