Well-Known Member
Hey all, I have 8 jilly bean seedlings, and i was wondering when i should start my veg nutes. I am going 100% organic (Half my nutes are certified, the other half I made) and I was wondering when would be a safe time to start feeding them? I have used blacstrap molasses for their first watering, along with ground up mycorhizzial stuff. I have a tea I can make, but I am afraid of hurting my babies!
They are in light warrior soil with some earthworm castings mixed in.
Would post a photo but i deleted it off my pc, so i can be found here
Sorry, I dont know how to make the "here" button my link wouldn't mind a PM telling me how to make neat looking links.
They are in light warrior soil with some earthworm castings mixed in.
Would post a photo but i deleted it off my pc, so i can be found here
Sorry, I dont know how to make the "here" button my link wouldn't mind a PM telling me how to make neat looking links.