6 day old seedlings leaves yellowing and stopped growing....can any one suggest what


I planted "the ultimate"(dutch passion) 6 days ago it grew 2 inches or so in first few days and on third day leaves started yellowin and it appears to have stopped growin....i used a grow bag soil with some sand no nutes 2 60w clear strip lights 3 inches away and a 60w clf and a 40w cfl a couple of feet away soil p.h is 6.9 temp is 26c and hummidity is 80 can any budy suggest what is wrong....as other plant( big buddah blue cheese)seems to be fine......is this just simply too much watering????
How many time have you watered da seedlings?
Once they spurt I put'em cups and water you
don't have to water again for a weeks! It's real
slow the first week or so. My best suggestion
would be to post a Pic~
yeah, i would say over watering...you just need to keep the soil moist. i will usually give my seedlings a light watering every 3 - 4 days. Question though, why are you using 3 different lights?
Ive read transpiration slows to a crawl after 70%, he said hes got his RH at 80% so I would guess the plants arent able to breath enough to create need sugars for growth but im no expert

either way 80 % is considered too high from what ive read so it wont hurt to bring it down to 65%
I planted "the ultimate"(dutch passion) 6 days ago it grew 2 inches or so in first few days and on third day leaves started yellowin and it appears to have stopped growin....i used a grow bag soil with some sand no nutes 2 60w clear strip lights 3 inches away and a 60w clf and a 40w cfl a couple of feet away soil p.h is 6.9 temp is 26c and hummidity is 80 can any budy suggest what is wrong....as other plant( big buddah blue cheese)seems to be fine......is this just simply too much watering????

hard to say if its too much water when you dont tell us how much water your giving. and lower your humidity ;)
I am too growing The Ultimate from seed in soil and I can say that I over-watered my first week and this exact same thing happened...MJ likes to be wet, then DRY. Plus your RH is WAY out of bounds bro...get it down to 50%, or lower if possible. I have mine at 40%...GL!