6 in rockwool and hydroton anyone else run theirs like this??


Active Member
So here's the question guys. I run a 3*6 flood and drain table. My previous grows I use the 6 in rockwool until the roots are busting out the bottom, then I put a couple inch layer of hydroton in the tables and backfill around the wool. This method has worked well for me in the past, however I don't see many people running their set ups like mine. Is it inefficient like this? I start at one flood daily in early veg then bump up as I find necessary throughout the grow. Thanks for any input.


Active Member
Just thought I might get faster growth using just hydroton or ton with a small wool square. Never tried top feed. You just set up a dripper over your wool and set it on a slow drip?


I run 1x1000hps over each 6x3 tray. I use light rails.there in g.a.p. hoods. I will share my grow in its own thread as soon as adm. Let's me. I'm still restricted cause I'm new. I like your set up and attitude for sure. I will watch your grow.



Active Member
That's a clean set up bud. I'm going add another table and 1k this fall, summer growing in an attic requires me to run a power hungry ac unit. Let me know when your thread is up. I want to follow yours and see how that drip set-up compares to flood and drain. Stay safe


Nothing really throws of a trimeter except if you let it dry out. The little ones in that picture are today at 31 days into the bloom cycle. I will post it as soon as I have permission from administration.