6 plant bagseed gow first for me

i germinated the seeds on the 25th of august and planted them on the 1st and here is the progress
im using 3 100w equivilant bulbs and i am going to lowes to get 4 more this week
and comments


Well-Known Member
your going to want to split those up into theyre own pots.
and get some ventilation. cardboard and pot growing dont mix


Active Member
once the plants get to a certain age in there they will compete for water and one or even 2 will get neglected.
but you can grow them together for about a month but just so you wont have to wait to see stunned growth for a transplant get all of them their own box.


Well-Known Member
cardboard will get wet and start to mold. you have a plastic liner in it? where does your water drain off to then? trust me plastic pots. you dont want them to get all root tangled


Well-Known Member
how tall do you want your plants to be at harvest? you should have roughly 1 gallon of soil for every 1 foot of growth
so i know in a few weeks is going to stink really bad and i want to prep for that what could i get since im growing indoors


Well-Known Member
not even close to a few weeks. much longer.
not much you can do, i know from experience that if you put a makeshift carbon filter over a computer fan you will render what little ventilation you have useless.
my best suggestion is to buy an aerosol dispenser and put it near your grow, you can usually set the time to every five, ten, or fifteen minutes.
or you could start doing something that will over-power all other smells, for instance when I used to worry and care about someone finding me out I started smoking cigars in my room, totally covered up the smell.


Well-Known Member
so i know in a few weeks is going to stink really bad and i want to prep for that what could i get since im growing indoors
ona blocks or gel....a small block or small amount of gel will remove the smell...anything aerosol spray type air freshner wont work to well..it only masks the smell..where as ona blocks will remove the particles on the air making the odor.and def need to get each seedling in its own pot....and i wouldnt wait...if you wait for them to be stunted to transplant the roots will have grown into each other...probably will kill all 3 plants trying to remove one...since they are started already i would transplant into something like a 4-6 inch pot....then after its made a good rootball in that transplant to a 3 gallon or more container...its not good to transplant more than 1-2 times...but in this situation it would really help you to do so.and using cardboard for your grow box is just fine.the way i did mine is...i got a $3 box at walmart..molded it and shaped it to the size i wanted...lined the entire inside with a thick plastic layer...then put mylar on top of that.long as your not sloppy when you water...and have a trey under the pot for when you water it...no mold..no damage...ive grown in full out 10k grow rooms,hydrophonic glass systems,and right outside....some of my best results has been in this box i have now
So the fan I got to circulate air is bringing hot air from the lights down is this bad when the fan was on my thermometer read 94 but when I turned it off it went back down to 79 So should I leave the fan off until I get a bigger place


Well-Known Member
So the fan I got to circulate air is bringing hot air from the lights down is this bad when the fan was on my thermometer read 94 but when I turned it off it went back down to 79 So should I leave the fan off until I get a bigger place
the fan isnt going to make your temps go up...its trapped air..and 94 is way way to hot...i just went through the same issues with heat....you need some good venting at the top of your box..heat rises,not sink.toss some cpu fans up there or any small fan that can pull that hot air out of the box...kinda odd that the fan would make it hotter...would think it to work the other way around
Last night I added a fan right next to the lights before. I added the other fan the heat used to just go up make the lint fixture warm but not hot I think because I'm refreshing the ai t next to the lights it's making the whole box hotter because there wasn't as much circulation