6 plant bagseed gow first for me


Well-Known Member
Last night I added a fan right next to the lights before. I added the other fan the heat used to just go up make the lint fixture warm but not hot I think because I'm refreshing the ai t next to the lights it's making the whole box hotter because there wasn't as much circulation
all your doing is circulating the hot air around inside...you need to have a hole in the box and have a fan over the hole...the hot air needs to escape the box


Well-Known Member
the fan is pushing the air outside of the box, its just right next to the lights
hmmm.i dunno then..got any newer pics of your setup..kinda hard to give ideas as it comes to grow setups without knowing everything being used...but dont worry bro...heat issues can be handled...been down that road...im happily sitting at 81f with lights on and 76f with lights off..at one time my temps went over 110f..back before i vented it right...stunted the hell outta the 2 plants i had going.but you can get it under control.if you find your temps to be really really high...like over 95...id kill the lights or remove the plants for a few minutes...even a hour in really high temps can ruin a crop


Well-Known Member
not bad bro...one thing though...you got the wrong bulbs in there...i mean they will work..but will have slow growth....those are 2700k bulbs...those are for flowering...get 6500k bulbs for veg...or can do a mix of each.just more 6500k in the mix during veg and more 2700k in the mix for flowering.ive seen people grow with just 2700k lights...but most of the time they have them on a 12/12 light cycle to force it into flowering.the 2700k bulbs put off a yellowish color,while the 6500k puts off a blueish color


Well-Known Member
What if I start to flower now isn't it possible to 12/12 from seed
oh yeah..you can go 12/12 from seed no problem...thats really helpful if you have limited space...a plant can grow 3x its size during flower...it will have a big stretch in the first two weeks.so the faster it flowers...the less growth it will have in the end..will put its energy into flowering and not just growing


Well-Known Member
get some twin socket y adapters...i just got 3 more from lowes...2 bucks a peice...that will put the lights at a better angle and spread them out...the majority of the light comes out of the side of the bulbs...your losing a lot of light sideways and upwards.lowes has those round light hoods for about 5 bucks...with a y splitter you can get at least 2 light in each hood...or use more adapters and ive seen people get 5-6 lights ina hood.but fot that many plants those light and how they are ran wont cut it...but still a great start
i got 2 y adapters cause thats all they had here is a pic of my best plant
is this on track
like is it the size its supposed to be
also the lights are a combined 175w not equivilent is that enough