Thank you for your inquiry regarding the impacts of Amendment 64. Here are the most important things for you to know when making your choices regarding personal use of marijuana.
Regardless of how much your 6 plants yield, at your house you are allowed to posses any amount that you legally grow.
Personal, private use and possession of up to one ounce of marijuana will be legal under Colorado law as soon as the Governor certifies the ballot, which will happen in 30-60 days. Until the Governor certifies the ballot, possession and use of marijuana remains illegal for anyone in Colorado who is not a medical marijuana patient.
Medical marijuana centers are only permitted to sell medical marijuana to state-registered medical marijuana patients. Do not attempt to purchase medical marijuana from medical marijuana centers.
Driving while impaired by marijuana remains completely illegal. Do not drive while impaired.
Public use of marijuana is illegal now and will remain illegal when Amendment 64 passes.
Employers are permitted to retain all policies related to marijuana use. Review your employer's policies related to marijuana, as all workplace penalties for marijuana use may remain in place, including termination, and you will not have legal recourse.
Landlords are permitted to prohibit marijuana cultivation.