6 Plants LST, 3 Week Cycle,Harvest Every 3 Weeks 250W HPS Flower 200W MultiCFL Veg


Well-Known Member
Well looked like a good idea to me, i bet it will increase you yeilds for sure
I believe so , this is gonna max out my shack, so calculating 3 but hoping for 4 . Wish the damn hydro store would get my bulb in , going with a standard horticultural hps versus home depot 250w hps ,I think it,s a sylvania .The horticultural bulb althogh not an "enhanced" one ,will still have a better spectrum .Those guys are just dicking around getting it . It's hard to find 250 's.


Well-Known Member
It's called a grow through plant support website on the one I got is Gardmanusa.com . I'm looking for a good online link to them to post,


Well-Known Member
A quick note for the Organic guys who read this thread . Liquid Karma and Protekt are not listed for Organic use . BUT both are great natural additives that enhance plant growth,structure,and increase finish weight .Liquid Karma has added fulvic and humic acids is why they are not considered Organic ,who cares those are great cheleting agents. ProTekt is not considered Organic because it contains potassium silicate which comes from a natural source but is heat processed .There are many benefits to using potassium silicate in Organics

Here is a read supporting potassium silicate in organics:>link>


Well-Known Member
Also been having to turn off and on lamps too much to maintain temp . Sick of it so I took my linevoltage heat thermostat out of my drying cabinet and temporarly wired it up to cycle CFL's on and off . I leave a few on all the time so it doesn't matter that some turn on and off .Set it to 75 and testing it out now . I know it will work just not sure how much of a temp swing I will get with this cheap thermostsat 12dollars at Ace hardware.


Well-Known Member
Question- My sativa is outgrowing my indicas i know sativas can grow for 6- over 25 ft outdoors and indica is 6-8 ft should i try super croping? so i can have an even canopy? or should i just try and raise my other plants there a about 2 2 1/2 weeks in flowering stems are pretty tough so i can't really bend her over just need your guys oppinion considering this seems to be the only alive thread right now


Well-Known Member
I dont mess with them after flowering is initiated and I dont super crop. I have seen ppl just tie them down but not supercrop in flowering.

Instead of seeking an simple answer you should read up on supercropping to find your answer . I spent all morning researching info I found important that u just posted behind .


Well-Known Member
I've never supercroped i've read about it was just looking for some ideas supercroping was an example this is my first sativa and im not sure how to treat her heigth im used to indicas that mostly stay the same i set my lights really close to her and when i wake up shes touching my lights srry if me asking you for an oppinion pushed your button didn't mean to cause any trouble just looking for some friendly advice thx for your input can't wait to see your gals =D


Well-Known Member
Yea this is a first for me she was stayin with my others but as soon as she pushed sum flowers out she just started boomin growing about 1-2 inches over night its crazy I'm glad i finally got a sativa kinda tired of watching indicas and now i get to compare.


Active Member
I must also not that I just came up with the screen idea and that screen was slipped over the plant very carfuly at over almost 3weeks into flowering . So this plant didn't grow into this screen but was manipulated into it . I could just see the benefits even this far in and decided to chance it on , I didn't cause any damage and it has continued growing so luckily i didn't stress it .

So to make it clear the obivious benefit I saw was spreading her out wider and opening up the middle easier .I think i will still need additional support as they grow tall , so here soon I will put in some bamboo stakes , .

Ideally for my situation in the future I will install the screen as soon as I transplant to the 5g buckets and plug in 4-5 bamboo stakes , i do this 2 weeks b4 flowering. This way it has time to veg into the screen and you can get her trimmed up underneath the screen b4 flowering . Placing the stakes at this point doesnt disturb any of the roots. Then at the end of that 2 weeks she is ready for the flip with everthing already done that could delay flowering , excess trimming, screen and stake instalation.
So this is a learning process in the making to sum it up.
Very interesting. How tall do you expect them to get?


Well-Known Member
Well that thermostat seems to be working okay . I eneded up pluging in a heat lamp to it . And I left 2 cfls on .This maintained temp last night .This morning it is -13 . Also got to feed the gurls last night . Seems they are on a 4 day cycle right now .Feed em the same mix as last time 1100 ppm A.O ,LC ,and Protekt . They all looked good , the Purple FLo is leading the race punching out some buts and shooting for sky . It's just too damn cold to look at them for long or take pics right now.Thats okay though there will be a bigger difference next time I am able to take pics . Still next up is gonna be Medibud , I want to see that thing flower .


Well-Known Member
ya dude cant wait to see the pics!!

-13 holy blizzard, here at night it reaches during the coldest time at about 25F or so.

but i use a shed lol, so that doesnt have insulation or heating atm, i cant wait until to move to the new shed heating/ac and insulation.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it doesn't always do this , that storm is wicked it has shut down alot of airports , damn near everything here .It,s still -8 at 10:20 am here .


Well-Known Member
holy shit lol, thats cold as fuck, lol

I woke up this morning at 8:30AM and it was 50F inside my house and i was freezing ROFL.


Well-Known Member
Well The Grow SHack has passed it's cold weather test . It's -12 in the garage was -18 last night outside.Temps in the shack
80.8 veg 75.9 flower.