6 Plants Week 2 - possible PM.


Well-Known Member
1000W HPS, 3 gal pots FFOF, Temps 69 at night, 70-71 day. RH: the dehumidifier reads 36 and the analog device reads 41%. Temps on both match.

Today I fertilized these 6, same as last Friday. They turned 2 weeks flowering this past Saturday.

3ml each Advanced Nutrients, G, M, B along with Big Bud and Bud Candy. In addition 1/4tsp Epsom salts and 3ml Botanicare Cal Mag+. EC 1.5. The PH meter still hasn't arrived.

I contacted the seller trying to cancel the order, placed on the 6th. I tried to save $15.00 and this happens.

Back on the 16th the plants were sprayed for spider mites. There are no longer spider mites.

However, I'm seeing PM start to develop. I'm not sure what to do. As fast as I grow I'm throwing everything away. I've been at this for a year now with nothing but bills.

I did sulfur burns last time and I think that killed the PM..... but all the leaves were sacrificed, so it was no win. The skanky plants below are 10 weeks, this past Saturday.


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At this point I'd spray them with potassium bicarbonate, and get yourself some Southern Ag Biological fungicide. You should be preventively spraying them all through veg. Neem/Silica is another proven remedy that is also good for prevention. Once you've had it, you need to treat your plants like they have it even if you can't see it.
At this point I'd spray them with potassium bicarbonate, and get yourself some Southern Ag Biological fungicide.

OK, prevention.

Where do I get potassium bicarbonate and the Southern AG Biological, hydro store?
Pm is the least of your worries sir, you gotta get your food dialed in before doing anything else. They are so stressed that any strain in that environment would have pm. My assumption without reading too much says your following someone elses directions with all that advanced nute bullshit. You are trying too hard and it shows. Slow down and do some more reading. Quit worrying about them numbers so much. Your temps are almost perfect, your rh is good..... the only problem you are having is feeding the right amounts. I would not get a ph meter right now. thats going to give you more numbers to worry about when i highly doubt thats the problem.
Pm is the least of your worries sir, you gotta get your food dialed in before doing anything else. They are so stressed that any strain in that environment would have pm. My assumption without reading too much says your following someone elses directions with all that advanced nute bullshit. You are trying too hard and it shows. Slow down and do some more reading. Quit worrying about them numbers so much. Your temps are almost perfect, your rh is good..... the only problem you are having is feeding the right amounts. I would not get a ph meter right now. thats going to give you more numbers to worry about when i highly doubt thats the problem.

Thanks. One of the problems posting in an open forum. Throw question out here, and the answers come back like Magic 8-Ball.

I'm using all those chemicals in response to questions I've posted here over time.

I understand what you are saying about dialing in food. I don't know how to dial-in food. Look at the plants. Could the plants look that way because of the past bugs or too much heat or too much light intensity, do you see what I mean? I think I've eliminated those problems, now PM.... and you point to food.

How do I dial in food? It's like whack-a-mole.
Thanks. One of the problems posting in an open forum. Throw question out here, and the answers come back like Magic 8-Ball.

I'm using all those chemicals in response to questions I've posted here over time.

I understand what you are saying about dialing in food. I don't know how to dial-in food. Look at the plants. Could the plants look that way because of the past bugs or too much heat or too much light intensity, do you see what I mean? I think I've eliminated those problems, now PM.... and you point to food.

How do I dial in food? It's like whack-a-mole.
Thats the thing. you are right , you cannot do all of the above at once. I understand completely. you are not superman. im not here to diss on your grow or anything like that. I see you are in the same boat i was in 10-15 years ago and i recall it like it was today. I was trying to fix everything at once when really the main problem was just food.....once the girls started eating right , the rest fixed itself. Except the mites , thats been a long battle.

Right now , you are 100% correct in finding a solution for the PM. If im distracting you then ill back off. The overall picture of your room looks like a mix of too much light and not enough food. (could be 5 different reasons why they aint eating right , im not saying to simply up your food.)

Pm is rough if you let it be. Vinegar is your friend but NOT your plants. First thing you do is shut off all fans an filters. You dont want the air blowing around. You are in a tent so you might be lucky. Spray all plants with peroxide solution or the forums best PM spray , safe for plants....(check forum for proper ratio. im not sure if its 3% undiluted or diluted) Do not miss one spot of the plants.... every single leaf and stem , top and bottom. Let the solution sit on plants for awhile ......a few minutes should be fine.....then thoroughly dry everything....when plants are fully dry, pull them out of the tent and spray the tent with vinegar 50/50 water is plenty strong but if your nose can handle hit it with undiluted vinegar , again , every crack and cranny. Spray the vinegar outside the tent too.....then dry everything thoroughly. Dry towel to all the corners around the poles where the miosture is sitting. Now wipe off all your fan blades and equipment (if possible) with vinegar and turn it all back on until everything is nice and dry. If you can , move your tent and clean underneath it, there is probably mold down there. Now put it all back together and make sure you keep your humdity in check. and lots of air movement on the thick canopy.
The spores are very easy to regrow if you do not clean it all good.
Agree with above post, those plants look underfed. I didn't see any PM on the plants but maybe I didn't look hard enough.
If u have PM in your grow u will probably get it every cycle, shit leaves spores on fans and equipment.
I'm sure I'll get heat for this but start spraying your plants a week before flower with 5ml/gal eagle 20. It's the only thing I've found that will keep the PM from taking hold.
Not sure why u think a sulfur burner messed your plants up. I burn sulfur weekly and havent had any issues.
If im distracting you then ill back off.

You made the point. If the plants are healthy and happy they'll be less susceptible to diseases. I'm trying to eliminate the problems as they crop up, Now I have to dial in food.

Speaking of feeding, last Friday I fed them and today. The pic is HPS from a few minutes ago. Leaves are pointing up so they must be happy. Previous to last Friday I didn't feed them for a couple of waters (about two, or a week). Letting the soil clear, if you will. Plus I wasn't sure if the spider mites/miticide would kill the plants so didn't want to waste the nutes.

Pm is rough if you let it be. Vinegar is your friend but NOT your plants.

I recently (12/16) cleaned out the tent to the best of my ability with Hydrogen Peroxide because of the spider mites. Should I do it again with vinegar?

could be 5 different reasons why they aint eating right

Agreed. I'm attempting to cover all nute deficiencies with the supplements, Epsom and now Cal-Mag+.


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If u have PM in your grow u will probably get it every cycle, shit leaves spores on fans and equipment.

Understood. I live next to a field. When the mowers cut the field they leave the grass all clumped up. The field is loaded with PM spores. One day last summer/fall I kicked a clump and saw the white "dust" everywhere. I see the PM on plants out there.

Not sure why u think a sulfur burner messed your plants up. I burn sulfur weekly and havent had any issues.

On the skanky plants I think that I over did the sulfur. The plants also had mites at that time. I speculate sulfur got in the mite bite marks and fried the leaves. Could'a been the food/heat/light.

I used to have two 1000W HPS bulbs in the tent. I took one out about a week ago. Since the leaves are pointing up right now, I'm leaving the light alone.
1000W HPS, 3 gal pots FFOF, Temps 69 at night, 70-71 day. RH: the dehumidifier reads 36 and the analog device reads 41%. Temps on both match.

Today I fertilized these 6, same as last Friday. They turned 2 weeks flowering this past Saturday.

3ml each Advanced Nutrients, G, M, B along with Big Bud and Bud Candy. In addition 1/4tsp Epsom salts and 3ml Botanicare Cal Mag+. EC 1.5. The PH meter still hasn't arrived.

I contacted the seller trying to cancel the order, placed on the 6th. I tried to save $15.00 and this happens.

Back on the 16th the plants were sprayed for spider mites. There are no longer spider mites.

However, I'm seeing PM start to develop. I'm not sure what to do. As fast as I grow I'm throwing everything away. I've been at this for a year now with nothing but bills.

I did sulfur burns last time and I think that killed the PM..... but all the leaves were sacrificed, so it was no win. The skanky plants below are 10 weeks, this past Saturday.
You got more than PM problems there,i would scrap what you got going figure out where the PM is is coming from! you got ph- feeding problems also.
figure out where the PM is is coming from!

That would be like a dolphin swimming around in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill thinking there's a way out.

I'm surrounded by PM. If my speculation is correct that's PM in the grass. Rubbed a grass blade with my fingers and the stuff wipes off & under 25x it looks like PM.


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That would be like a dolphin swimming around in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill thinking there's a way out.

I'm surrounded by PM. If my speculation is correct that's PM in the grass. Rubbed a grass blade with my fingers and the stuff wipes off & under 25x it looks like PM.
Time to seal the room GL
Time to seal the room GL


The root cause looks like the grass. PM is elsewhere out there, on shrubs. I'm guessing every time the furnace kicks on, make up air contaminants the indoor air.

I didn't consider a sealed room yet. Would that room need negative pressure?
Yes the room would need negative pressure to be sealed. all of your air comnig in should be filtered with a hepa or a carbon filter. i dont look like you are going to get rid of the spores....i have the same problem...everything outside has pm on it.... it started on the cucumbers next door , last year ,now its on the same crop but on the grass an all now. Its trying to set up on my elephant ears but they are resilient to it.

Now i have it in my indoor grow but its not bad at all and its been fairly easy to keep under control. just air movement and lots of cleaning. Until its gone i will have to keep good space between all the plants. (the thick canopy is where it takes hold. If there is no thick canopy and plenty of air moving then it wont set up at all....until the canopy thickens. )
Tents are terrible for that reason but i understand some people have to use them. I never seen pm or bud rot till i got a tent. 20 plus years without ever seeing it....

Pm is also different from other molds. It likes high humidity and dry environment. kinda contradicting but its true. So in theory , wet pots and dry air would keep it at bay....
After your sulpher mishap, i think you should worry more about the pm but for sure feeding is most important to keep the new ones healthy. I read about sulpher about a mionth ago so i dont recall much but it sure seems like a good way to rid very little amounts of pm and spores.

If you used perioxide for mites then i assume it wasnt strong enough to kill the spores. Either way if you just cleaned with peroxide then vinegar is not that much better.... bleach is garbage though. Only thing i can think of that you may of missed is the corners , every place there is a pole sitting on the floor is probably wet ...dry that up even if you dont clean it. My big ass dehumy wouldnt even dry up the floor for some reason. Ended up with the only piece of bud rot i have ever seen.
3% undiluted peroxide for the pm. (or vinegar, whatever is easier for you) Bleach dont get into pourus surfaces effectively , so never use that for mold.
Right now , you are 100% correct in finding a solution for the PM.
I went to the hydro store and staff indicated PM is a big problem in our area. They recommended Eagle 20.

One of the reps there explained a test he did. He applied Eagle 20 to a plant at the beginning of flower. After eight weeks he took a sample of the plant to be tested by spectrophotometer. The results were a PPM low enough that dispensaries would buy the harvest. He did mention some people would think any PPM is too much.

They did explain 1/2 lifes and a disadvantage. The active ingredients turn to hydrogen cyanide at high heat. Hydrogen cyanide has a negative impact on the lungs
Tents are terrible for that reason
Like you, me and others point out PM is everywhere. The PM thrives during the humidity spike.

I can't say I haven't had PM without the tent. Something I've noticed before over-stressing the plants is the smell. Usually the crops start out great and smelling good. Then once they go into flower the smell starts going away after a couple of weeks. I now wonder if PM has been the culprit all along, killing the smells. I never knew bugs and PM could be a problem so never looked. I stumbled upon the PM after stumbling upon spider mites with a 25x loupe.

At this point I'm taking getogrow's advice on the nutes.

Today I watered with just G,M,B @ an EC of .5. None of the other stuff.

I figured if it was under nuting, some now is better than none. However, I was probably over nuting so I watered to 25% runoff with the weaker solution.

Thanks for the replies.
Today I watered with just G,M,B @ an EC of .5. None of the other stuff.

I figured if it was under nuting, some now is better than none. However, I was probably over nuting so I watered to 25% runoff with the weaker solution.

Thanks for the replies.
If the weaker solution shows any good signs at all then up the solution a tad.

This plant needs water soon. Today ends week three of 12/12. Pic under 1000W MH.

I watered on the 23rd with Advanced Nutrients G,M,B @ an EC of .7. Before the 23rd I was using the Big Bud, Bud Candy, Cal-Mag+, Epsom salts...

Normally I would water between fertilizings. What do you guys think about fertilizing again today? And what EC.

Thanks a bunch.


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I decided to water them with 2ml each Advanced G,M,B @ EC .6.

When they need more juice I'll post updated photos.