6 week but no bud yet ?


Active Member
Feed them 1x a week by mixing your nutrients according to a feeding schedule for the age of the plant and the flowering phase...
give them approximately 1 liter of water for every gallon of soil they are in.. do it SLOWLY so it soaks in well- a small amount should come out the bottom of the planter.

DO NOT water again unless the top 2 inches of soil get totally dry, and the planter light... this will depend on the temperature & humidity in your room, and the type of soil you used. Use only water between feedings-- but no matter WHAT yo are giving them, check the pH!!!!

They will not start to bloom until they are in 12/12 at least a week- more if vegged under 18/6 instead of 24/0... Some strains- especially Sativas, can take several weeks to start blooming.

Do NOT start counting the days until harvest until they are actively blooming!


it writes 7,5 ph on my water is that good ? l am not worried abouth my seeds . its cames from amsterdamseedcenter and all l choice is feminised . l am waiting for it =) l tought l will see in few days later.


Active Member
You can find some guano that has a higher p than n. I use this during bloom, It's just high p guano, make shure you have the right npk rated stuff. Also I'm glad you solved your water issue. However that may not why you are not seeing blloms as much as you would like. You have right type of light for blooming and probably enough of it for 3 plants that small. Your issue was probably not making damm sure your room was dark room quality dark. This is pretty essential for nice blooms indoors. even something as small as a led clock radio or the red incadecent on a light strip can slow this process down. Also veging with 18/6 will slow this process down. I veg under 24 hour light and i veg a long time sometimes 8 weeks. If these where from seed and not clone, there is another reason why you may be experiencing slow bloom. When you grow from seed it is important to let the vegging plant show pre flowers before blooming. If they are not present you are forcing the bloom, This will slow the plant down dramaticly in every way. Make sure your plant is mature enough to bloom before you initialize this. A clone carries the age and maturity of the donner plant. In fact it's mature enough to bloom when its in the clone dome. So many reasons can cause a plant to refuse to bloom and any mj plant should be showing something after 6 weeks of 12/12. My guess is a light leak. Or lack of maturity.


Active Member
So, I just went back and read what you wrote, that these where from fem seeds. Well there you go. If they where that small after vegging with high n, and blooming for 6 weeks. You clearly didn't veg these until pre flower. They where not mature enough to bloom when you switched them over. Order the book Greg Greens The Grow Bible. This was the best $35.00 I ever invested in my grow.
I wish someone had writen this when I first got started years and years ago. Yup I'm an old old fart of a grower. order that book and follow it step by step and you won't GROW wrong. peace the Melungeonman,


Everthing is going better now . l solved all problems. and as l see the problem is water and light leak . now girls seem beauty . l will upload new ones in few days . l hope l will see the veggs. and will load it . all with your helps .. thanks..