6 Week of flowering. Buds Growing slowly.


Well-Known Member
I think my buds are extremely slow. Its week 6 and the buds are still small to me. Also they are about 7' high from top of pot. They have been pretty odor less also unless moved around. They are under 600w hps and the room is about a constant 75f. I have been giving them full bloom nutes too.



Active Member
it might just be the strain. mine are at 2 weeks flowering and they are as big if not bigger then that under flouro tubes.


New Member
let it grow buddy!! some of the best pot in the world have extended flowering periods, my advice is they look healthy so keep doing what your doing and in time that stuff will have you staring at the walls,,


Well-Known Member
Also make sure there is no light leaking into the grow area during the dark period. You say the plants are 7' tall? With a 600 watt HPS I doubt it can penetrate that deeply, though I could be wrong. That could account for small bud growth. Much of the plants are not getting enough light for maximum bud growth. Im just theroizing here. It could very well be the strain. Do you know what strain it is? It might have a 12 week flowering cycle, especially if it's a sativa. Also, from what I have read, bud growth really takes of in the last two weeks. How are the trichs looking? If you get to week 8 and they are cloudy, and the buds havent exploded by then, you can start to worry. Some things to think about.


Well-Known Member
yup no light leaking its in a closet. Also no idea what strain was just some bag seed. I bent the tops back. we re mesured and got 7'3" and 7' they grow like 1-1 1/2 a day.


Well-Known Member
yeah that looks like a sativa dominant strain...they typically have a 12 week flowering cycle....u did not have pictures up when you first posted this, did you? Anyway, yeah I would say you have 6 more weeks left, and bud growth, from what I have read, is supposed to really go nuts the last two weeks.


Well-Known Member
yeah that looks like a sativa dominant strain...they typically have a 12 week flowering cycle....u did not have pictures up when you first posted this, did you? Anyway, yeah I would say you have 6 more weeks left, and bud growth, from what I have read, is supposed to really go nuts the last two weeks.

Right on! I have a sativa and it just started to really pack on weight. it'll get there...


Well-Known Member
i'd say wait it out but how do the top buds look? bigger than the bottoms? i'm guessing so since one 600w light isn't supposed to be 5' away from the plant... which it is all the way to the bottom.

it will work but if its a 12week flowering strain it could take 14 weeks with less light