6 week old plants slowly dying :(


Well-Known Member
heya, been a while since I've posted here... I'm now growing white russian from serious.

I had to switch my soil to the sunshine mix pro #4. I mixed in a lot of perlite and I've been using jacks 30-10-10 at about 1/2 tsp per gallon h20.

The leaves are showing what I think is either a mag def or a cal def. I'm not quite sure to be honest.

What do ya'll think? any quick remedies?




Well-Known Member
this is analysis of the food

Total Nitrogen (N)....................................... 30%
1.08% Nitrate Nitrogen
28.92% Urea Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5)....................... 10%
Soluble Potash (K2O)................................. 10%
Boron (B).................................................... 0.02%
Copper (Cu)................................................ 0.05%
0.05% Chelated Copper (Cu)
Iron (Fe)...................................................... 0.10%
0.10% Chelated Iron (Fe)
Manganese (Mn)......................................... 0.05%
0.05% Chelated Manganese (Mn)
Molybdenum (Mo)....................................... 0.0009%
Zinc (Zn)...................................................... 0.05%
0.05% Chelated Zinc (Zn)


Well-Known Member
Add a couple teaspoons of epsom salts to your next few waterings, while cutting back slightly on the food to compensate for it. See if that improves things. If you have Jack's Blossom Booster as well, give it a dose of that instead. Blossom Booster has the Magnesium that the 30-10-10 is lacking.

It looks like an Mg deficiency for sure, are you using tapwater? I like to add extra dolomite lime to Sunshine mix for some more slow release Mg down the line.


Well-Known Member
I'm using tap water that I let sit for 48 hours.

I'll try the epsom salt first and see if that helps, maybe a little of the blossom booster too. I've definitely been meaning to add some dolomite lime as well.

thanks freddiemoney!


Well-Known Member
Cal-Mag will do the same thing for you. I just know that with my water I need the Mag a lot more than I need the Cal., so I end up using epsom salts more often. It's easier to cause problems with too much calcium than with too much magnesium. I think the epsom salts are just Mg and Sulfur, another element the Jack's is lacking.


Well-Known Member
ahhhhh okay I feel retarded lol. I've already noticed a huuuuge improvement since adding the magnesium. looks like I'm all set from here :]

I've added some dolomite lime to the soil, and I'm going to be adding in the epsom salts once a week at 1 tsp/gallon

thanks dudes!


Active Member
man next time you use sunshine cut it with at least 40%to50% perlite and add some lime or if not grinded oystershell.I use oystershell at 1 teaspoon pregallon of soil it adds mag and cal. and is a great ph buffer.


Well-Known Member
I did about 20% perlite at the beginning and I've just added dolomite lime in ( just poured a good layer to the top of the soil )

I'm still learning :] but for my next batch I will definitely start with the dolomite lime when I mix the perlite in


Well-Known Member
I sprinkled 1 tbs of the dolomite lime to the top layer of soil. Is that all that I'll need for the rest of the grow?