6 weeks 12/12 Advice Needed


Active Member
the taller plant doesnt have resin glands forming on new growth like the small plant and has a strange smell. Could it be a strain that takes longer than 8 weeks... does the small plant look like it will be ready in a couple weeks still dont have a way to see glands magnified some of the pistils are changing color. please let me know what you think. Technaflora nutes... 400w hps 400w led... started 12/12 4/20...


Active Member
thanks... do you think since the plants are two weeks apart but started 12/12 at the same time thats why the tall plant is not showing resin glands? I hope it will only be a month at the most thats kind of my time frame I am looking for a new place and want to be moved out by July 1st. This is my first grow Im happy with it just hope I dont do anything wrong during the rest of flowering and while curing... ill post some more pics in a week or two any one else have input...


Active Member
New pictures from today tall plants buds are starting to droop the main top and a lot of lower budsites are drooping... and alot of fan leaves have been coming off and the ones still intact are yellow and look shrivled up is this normal just a lack of nitrogen or is this a problem and if so can is there still time to fix it can I cut of the lower sites that are buding??? I will post another reply with pics of the second plant if any one can help letting me know how much longer thanks Og.
Plant #1 taller plant pictures are below


thump easy

Well-Known Member
you up in nor cal come ONN. im in the south look dude you need to flush nutes out of soil posible nute lock also if its tym its its tym! yellow around week eight end of life sycle also dont add no more nutes strate water for about seven days to ten yes way to long but the taste n check for amber dude check for amber i might be telling u this n u already know come on NOR CAL u guys flood our market every fucken year man EVERY FUCKEN YEAr


Active Member
Im actually in Colorado... I kno about flushing and am having I hard time telling amber my cant ever focus in on the buds I have cut of leave tips around the bud to check im looking at the trichomes x60 is that to close to view... And this is my first time growing. Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
hey OG, the last couple pics in the regular lighting look good man. I actually prefer all cloudy trichs rather than amber. The cloudy i feel gives the best representation of each strains particular high and medicinal value. Amber will be better for sleep aid/ more potent stone rather than high. The lack of trichs on the other plant could be just genetics by my guess, but some strains do pack on a lot of trichombs right before harvest. Depending on your feeding regimen, i'd give them atleast two weeks of straight water. If your organic or mostly organic and don't go crazy with nutes and supplements, you shouldn't have any chemical buildup or residual nutrients left in your final product. I like to cut out nutes With about a month to go, give molasses for the last month- month and a half, then cut down to straight water for the last two weeks. Cutting back on the nutes a bit early may sacrifice a bit of your yield, but I find ends in a finer smoke. enjoy the rest of flowering :weed:


Active Member
Thanks for the reply thump easy and farmer I just gave the plants nutes last night but I will only give water for the next two weeks. farmer or anyone else do you leave plants in complete darkness for 72 hrs with out light and water just before harvest and does it mainly help with drying time or will the plants put on more trichombs???


Active Member
Ok on the shorter plant I was able to see some amber and alot that were cloudy... not as clear like when they first formed and on the tall plant I cant see trichombs that well since there are not alot on the new growth i would have to cut a actual bud off to see the visible trichombs on calyx's


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of 72 hours, though i have hear that a day or two of darkness right before harvest does produce a bit more trichombs. I don't feel its necessary to due a dark period and haven't seen a drastic increase in resin production in other people's grows when they do it. I like to let the plants dry out for a few days before the chop though, and that definitely seems to cut a couple days off the hanging process. And watch your pistils on the plants, if they're mostly brown and aren't pushing out any more/ much more growth, i'd start checking the trichs.
in one of the pics looked like the buds were wet if you are still spraying them you should stop! your pots are to small for the plants to handle i am sure they are all blocked up down there. and yeah you should be flushing in between each feeding and 2 weeks after the last feed.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
okay wen your trycomes triger i cant disclose the amount but as they turn amber u turn your lights off for a few days yes resen they pop out for some reson it works then you cut hang n cure many methods of curing this is the NEXT BIG DEAL REALY BIG DEAL the grow was your first step n NOW its the cure you need to pay atention or you might fuck it up in this next process.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
well farmer 2424im talking about the loop size he is sixty man i use ahundred amplified im 35........ x tattoo artist its hard to focus for me dont ask me y im loosen my eye sight or i need glasses


Well-Known Member
i dont understand what your talking about? Towards the end of the budding its normal for leaves to turn yellow and die off. its sucking the nutes from the stems and leaves while your hopfully feeding it nothing but water, so that your properly flushing your weed.