You sure I need to chop already? The pistils are still mostly white.....maybe the milky trichs were a reflection from my flash or something. I was gonna feed 1 more time today or tomorrow and then start the flush Fri. which starts week 7. That would have me chopping her at week 9 after a 2 week flush.
Any opinions all say how important timing the chop is so please don't leave me here guessing I've waited a long time and come a long way to FUCK it up now by waiting toooooo long of all things.
Please look at my pics and close-ups and lemme know if I do need to expedite things or stay on the course described above.
For the record I did cut a bud from the bottom of tribute a couple days ago and put it up to dry. This morning I moved it to a jar to cure untill Xmas. Pinched a lil 1/2 bowl from it as I moved her and I'm pretty high right now from it......Can't wait till Xmas even more now.