6 weeks in veg...nute help!


I havent fed her anything and she 8 wks old total and im switching from 24/0 to 18/6 next week. She's starting to get a yellow rust color on the edges of a few leaves! im thinkin.....nute deficiency.....maybe potassium? It's my first grow so im not sure what nutes to buy or feeding schedules? please help! thx in advance :eyesmoke:Img_00062.jpgImg_00061.jpg020.jpg


Of all the nutes I tried, I got the worst results from Foxfarm, but really anything is better than nothing. All the nute manufacturers have feeding schedules on their websites.


Active Member
Ummm yeah I would say she's a little hungry.. but geez for being 8 weeks old she doesn't look too bad. I'll tell you what I use, I don't buy into all of the nute company hype..after all a plant only needs what it needs, and a fertilizer company just wants your money. Here's a link, I use the Maxibloom powder for my entire grow, nothing else. I paid about $12 for a 2.2 lb bag, and it's going to last at least another 5 grows.


Some folks call it old school, and the hydro stores hate it..but if you need proof that it works just pm me.


Active Member
what kind of lights are you using? and whats your light schedule? if that lady is 8 weeks old she should be flowering right now unless size and lights arent an issue...
other than being 8 weeks it looks good actually man, the burning is probably too much of something,rather than too less, the leaves are a healty green, check the runoff water with a ph meter, some nutrients will get locked out if the ph is way off, also try to test the soil ppm, but other than that, looks good, get a fan on that baby to strengthen up the stem.


Active Member
I'm doing what warped said... I use only 7 grams per gallon mix and ph and boom that's all there is.. Seems to good to be true when I first heard of this.. But I haven't had any problems my plants look as health as can be.


Active Member
I recently purchased the GH Flora series 3-part nute system. Hell I bought enough for my next few grows :)

I haven't gotten to use them yet though, not for a few more weeks still on my girls


Well-Known Member
8 weeks? the fuck, if you click under my name where it says journal you can see what my 8-10 week veg plants look like, and they spent 3-4 weeks of that time being stunted...You need to get some air circulation or something, you're missing something very important for your growth to be so slow