6 weeks into flowering and fan leaves yellowing from the bottom up.


New Member
I thought I had nute lock out so I flushed it and then fed it with Alaska fish fertilizer and fox farms tiger bloom. The fan leaves continued to turn yellow starting at the bottom and continued up. I think the buds look good but since this is my first grow I have nothing to compare. Is this just normal for the flowering cycle of red diesel?
thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
I would just chillax. feed them normal for 1 more week and start your flush, next time make sure your ferts have more ( Nitro) in them . don't feed them more heavy now. yellowing is normal , check out this web site ,http://growweedeasy.com/the-basics-of-growing-marijuana also advice is for 8 week flowering period plants, you notice all the buds look great, and green, that's how it should be. with a tad less yelling. its to late now to feed heavy might rune the buds, that's why my advice is chillax
leaves turn yellow starting from the bottom going up, letting you know you're getting close to harvest, what color are the pistils on your plant? if they are about 40% brown its time to harvest.
i would wait 1 more week, maybe take a sample off the top of the plant, if it smokes/tastes good and isnt too harsh, harvest that bitch


New Member
The pistols are still clear. The fan leaves just started turning yellow and falling off for about a week and and a half. I have been reading the forum and trying to fix myself not the best idea.


Well-Known Member
Seems like a Phosphorus deficiency

Phosphorus [P] deficiency
Symptoms of phosphorus [P] deficiency are: marijuana fan leaves are dark green or red/purple, and may turn yellow. Leaves may curl under, go brown and die. Small formed marijuana buds are another main symptom. Phosphorus [P] deficiencies exhibit slow growing, weak and stunted marijuana plants with dark green or purple pigmentation in older marijuana leaves and stems.


New Member
I will wait for the pistols to change color and chop her down. I will try to do better on my next grow.