6 weeks old - Did LST and Leaves Turned Yellow!


Well-Known Member
6 weeks old baby girl and I have been on 24/0 from the get go.

I FIM'd about 2 weeks ago and it is loving the new growth. I think I see several new stalks. :weed:

So many that I decided to LST to help under-leaves get more light. :shock:

Now most of leaves have light BUT I ruffled some feathers while doing the LST.. So I think it is panicing - most of the under-leaves are now YELLOWING!!! :confused:

The top leaves are still growing towards light (after 24 hours on LST, they are already heading towards side light) and are still green, but other leaves, mostly now-exposed under-leaves are yellowing - is this due to shock of light after so long w/out it?? :confused:

Or is this just plant shock?

I pulled my string off main stalk - it is holding like my string is still there though, so I guess LST worked, but I'm afraid to put string back on or do anything more messing with it.

I gave it water - it was due, but I am going to be scared to look tomorrow now.... :spew:
um,24 hour light cycle is dumb,18 hours is all the plant will use up.I have no clue on what your typein about,maybe cuzz im buzzed ,or maybe cuzz your typin in codes.
So you think it just got shocked??

I'm afraid if I keep it tied down it will die.. That is like 1/2 my plant now that is yellowing (all from this)..
too hard. It looks like tips and edges are all green but inner parts are yellowed heavily. The plant was all green and perfect for 6 weeks until I did main stalk LST last night. *doh*
6 weeks you say.... Is this soil?... Have you gavin it any nutes?.. I mean it sounds more like a deficiency than an alergic reaction to the "Rope"? was it rope?.. i mean where are you trying to get at....
sounds like you might just need to put the string back on cuz it will straighten back out but just leave it loose
the plant will probably bounce back dude like he said if the new growth is healthy and green your good to go, older leaves get yellow and die off it'll be ok

LST on a 6 week old?... did it bend easy?... I would do the supercroping.
Yes, LST on 6 week old.. Bad idea?? I'm about to go into flowering - shortened cycle as this is my trial run. Supercropping looks good but maybe next time. I read about it though..

So is LST not supposed to shock a plant?? =\
LST shouldn't shock a plant dude if you could get a pic up someone can tell you whats going on but for now its speculation....my opnion just keep it tied down so it wont stretch back out and let it get itsself backtogether
I gave it some nutes off and on - not much - I am trying to let it be - I have really good soil though - ocean forest.. and distilled water and plenty of light - good temp too.. I will tie it back down and let it go and see what happens...
at six weeks you should be giving it full strength nutes every OTHER watering. If you are only giving nutes on and off just randomly it may be a deficiency+tieing it down(however that should do nothing i mean people do it to specifically avoid stress) just water it normally next time they need water or however you do it and keep it down then after the first clean water next timeyou give it full strength nutes and by that time it should have made a substantial come back
i would say nitrogen deficiency. normally the leaves yellow.... check out the section on the main page for plant problems.. more than likely yellow leaves and lighter green up top = N def.