6 weeks old white widow,, question


Hello guys, so this is my first time growing white widow plant that I got the feminized seeds from Greenhouse amsterdam.. It's 6 weeks plant, and I put in flowering phase since Feb 14 (9 days ago),

I noticed there's a yellowish color on the older leaves.. and the top leaf is alittle bit bend down.. if anyone can tell me what's the problem, it'll be greatly appreciated. And should I trim/ cutoff the yellow leaves?

and I noticed it's alittle bushy on the top, is it necessary to put the light a little higher? (although there's no burned leaf on the top YET)

and also I am using 2.7L pot.. Is it time to transplant into bigger pot and so it got room to grow?

PS: Sorry for my bad english, since it's not my native.

Below are the pics:

EDIT: updated, transplant to 10.5L pot and change few lighting, pics in 4th post or click https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/411393-6-weeks-old-white-widow.html#post5355093



Active Member
I agree w\ Gmz I would let that veg for a while longer possibly a few more weeks. Do you mean 6 weeks since the start of germination? You could transplant it if you wanted but I would take it out of flowering for sure if you do decide to.


Hi, thanks for the reply, actually after finish writing this thread I transplant and change the lighting..

2x CFL 2200K 45w
1x CFL 5500k 48w

and transplant to 10.5L pot, when I transplant them, the roots are surrounding the pot like nowhere to grow and some of the roots even pop-out from the bottom of the pot hole which supposed to let the water flow.. (poor baby, now u can grow tall!!), so here's the update picture:

in the picture u can see the temp is 19celcius and humidity is70% (cos I just water the whole stuff, usually it's 55 - 65%)

and, as u can see i dont transplant it right in the middle of the pot (my first transplant) , but i guess it's alright right?



Well-Known Member
Well, it is small for being 6wks, but it looks okay. The transplant will help it surely, maybe even feed it a bit.


Active Member
Yeah, that is fine how you transplanted. Make sure your lights are on at least 18hrs a day. What size is your grow space?


@josae actually I have a spare bedroom (unused), so I use it to as a grow room.. and I am not expecting high yield, is that ok if I flower it now?

@upthearsenal what do u mean by feed it abit?


Active Member
You should wait even if you are not expecting a high yield a couple more weeks at least. upthearsenal meant that you should give them some nutrients, something high in nitrogen to get the roots really going.


i see, i've switched to flowering for 10 days, is it okay to switch it back to veg??

and I have 30-10-10 fert, okay to use it?? does the nitrogen alil high for that?

EDIT: ok, thanks for th suggestion, i've flashed 30-15-15 (1/3 strength) to the plant, and changed the light to : 1x CFL 125w 5500k and 1x CFL 48w 5500K

lets see how it goes


Active Member
Yeah its perfectly fine to switch it back. As for nutrients someone else would have to help you with that one as I have never used nutrients with that npk value. You can try mixing a very small amount of that fert in your water but be cautious as your plant seems quite small still and just coming out of the seedling phase. Plus you said it was 19C in there which could be a little cold and that could be why the plant has slower growth.


yes, i've flushed the 30-15-15 (1/3 strength), and ill try to let it veg for 2-3 weeks, hope my baby grows well :(

and i've changed the lighting to 5500K too


Well-Known Member
i see, i've switched to flowering for 10 days, is it okay to switch it back to veg??

and I have 30-10-10 fert, okay to use it?? does the nitrogen alil high for that?

EDIT: ok, thanks for th suggestion, i've flashed 30-15-15 (1/3 strength) to the plant, and changed the light to : 1x CFL 125w 5500k and 1x CFL 48w 5500K

lets see how it goes

Sounds good. Wait at least ten days to feed it again, but either way in about 3-5 days you will see how the plant took to the nutrients. 1/3 strength should be good, and I doubt you will get any burnt leaf tips.


using around 1.5L water with fert for 10.7L pot, but I just flushed it down with distilled (cos new transplant) and using 1.5L water with fert for 10.7L pot, is that okay?


Well-Known Member
just finished my WW grow. didnt flush. not once.
some word of advice, dont be afriad to feed the widow with nutes. it can take quite alot of it without burning.
be careful feedin it with high N values after half the bloom time has gone. it makes the top rubberlike...makin it hard for the plant to stand up straight under its own bud weight.
other than that, its an easy plant to grow. very forgiving