here are the transplants i posted a week ago..
they had been over watered

and not enough cal/mag
getting all these mini systems ready along with cloning and building led grids slowed me down on getting my new nutrient regimen in order..which i have never really completely done
i should have it more together tomorrow..if the ratio's etc work i will post them..
calcium nitrate and magnesium nitrate along with some silicon
then i willsee what n-p-k ratio i do..i have mono potassium phosphate but we willsee if ihavev
the guts to try to fit that in
i would like to do organic as long as its hydroponic so it seems if i really want to do that
will have to go aquaponic since i donnot feel pbp is organic and do not do jug nutes anymore
it would take more than a few fish..hahaha
anyway..ihave kelp, dry soluable fulvic and amino acids... starting to use that as foliar