60 Day Grow?


Active Member
I know it's possible to do a sixty day grow but I have a few question as to the ramifications.

I'm currently doing some learning grows. As it stands I have 11 seedlings in miracle grow potting mix. According to Scott's website, the fert ratios are well within range of Widow's prescribed ratio of NPK for vegging. I intend to grow in 2 liters and i have a few 3 gallon pots.

My question is this. It's bagseed and I want to veg for a month then switch to flower. How much will the plant suffer through this endeavor? What are the negative implications of a 'forced flowering' such as this?


Well-Known Member
My question is this. It's bagseed and I want to veg for a month then switch to flower. How much will the plant suffer through this endeavor? What are the negative implications of a 'forced flowering' such as this?
It wont suffer at all. That's what there supposed to do. It's natural.

But one month is a long time to veg. Unless you have the vertical room to grow her out. I veg. mine for only 2 weeks and then switch to 12/12. Keeps the plants at a manageable size.
Good luck,


Active Member
It wont suffer at all. That's what there supposed to do. It's natural.

But one month is a long time to veg. Unless you have the vertical room to grow her out. I veg. mine for only 2 weeks and then switch to 12/12. Keeps the plants at a manageable size.
Good luck,
No shit huh? So, there is no indicator of when it's ready to flower? You just get it the size you want it and switch it? Crazy.

That's two weeks from clone or seedling?


Active Member
Also. I see the roots at the bottoms of my cups, transplant? They're still small and I can post pics if need be


Active Member

Last grow I started flower after 2 weeks of 24/0 veg. Got an ounce per plant.


Active Member
I'm running 16/8 at the moment. They're maybe 4-5 days old tops, would changing the light now stress them?


Active Member
I doubt it, but some people say that there's no difference in vegetative growth rates between 18/6 and 24/0. I don't think it will make much of a difference if you switch.

When do you plan on flowering?

edit: lol, just caught that, 16/8 my bad... yea, I'd go at least 18/6 if not 24/0


Active Member
I doubt it, but some people say that there's no difference in vegetative growth rates between 18/6 and 24/0. I don't think it will make much of a difference if you switch.

When do you plan on flowering?

edit: lol, just caught that, 16/8 my bad... yea, I'd go at least 18/6 if not 24/0
Will do. Thanks.
i'm running one fem seed currently on 20/4 veg under a cfl, ive read of quite a few ppl going 12/12 from seed and it works but i'm waiting till my mothers big enough to comfortably take clones from to switch to 12/12 all together


Active Member
When the plant is ready to flower, it will show its sex with preflowers and grow branches in alternating nodes. This is usually 2 or 3 weeks after planting and you can start flowering anytime you like after that. You can keep the plant in veg almost forever.

You definitely can 'force flower' earlier by starting 12/12 before the preflowers. You can do this from seed. Some do.

One thing to know is that when you put the plant in 12/12 she will start a period of very rapid growth and likely double, even triple her size! Furthermore, it's undesirable to prune or stress the plant during flowering. So if you aren't prepared for this sudden increase in size you will have trouble managing the canopy.

Unless you prune her, a one month veg will produce a large plant when it starts flowering. Probably need a 5ga - 7ga pot.
I routinely grow from start to finnish in 45 days. There is no time that is better to start flowering then another. If the plant has rooted and is stable it can flower. I take two in clones and go directly into flower, I believe vegging is a waste of time. The time it takes is dependent entirely on the strain, a pure Indica will reach it's harvesting point in half the time(min) then a Sativa and yield at least twice as much. This eliminates the need for seperate veg and flower rooms, differnt lights, or nutes. I can also produce 8 harvest a year. Since you are starting the flowering from a clone hieght concerns are not an issue and I generally yield nearly as much from a single small plant as some do with much larger plants that take 3, 4, or 5 times as long. In my commercial grow facilities we stagger starting times and get in a cycle where we have a harvest each week. This spreads out the labor needs and gauranties a fresh supply of herb. My students who have never grown before are averaging 5 lbs in 6 weeks in 40 square feet of flowering room. I have yielded nearly twice that. For skeptics I'm not selling anything and don't mind sharing my information. If you see the buds in my avatar they came from plants under 3 feet grown in a 4x4 room. It is all about knowledge and paying attention to detail. Good luck
zvuv, I am interested to learn more about your experiences with your flowering. We all have had different results and there is no wrong or right just personal experience. I have not had the results you speak of and have differing opinions on some. I absolutely do prune while in flower on a regular basis to ensure light penetration is at it's max. From a two in clone I will generally harvest a cola of around 3 feet in hieght and 2 to 3 ounces in yield. The pruning during flower also cuts down on the manicuring reguired at harvest. Can you share what type of strain and as much enviromental info you can. I am interested in your results. I love threads like this as I always learn something. Thanks


Wow now this is surprising stuff to read!! I thought I was confused before!!! LOL!!

So Prof.... I have a seedling just starting to push through the soil -- Are you saying I could start flowering it now and it would grow up and produce flowers???

Seedling 8-20-11.jpg


Active Member
Wow now this is surprising stuff to read!! I thought I was confused before!!! LOL!!
Yes there are a lot of different answers. But if you think about it that's good news. It means there are a lot of ways to do it right and it's hard to really fuck it up. Almost whatever you do will work and the arguments are about better and best.

What prof said. You can start 12/12 from birth. Generally people wait till the plant is sexualy mature. This ability to manipulate the veg and flowering phases with the light period is very very useful in growing mj.

Prof, I have to confess I am repeating 'recieved wisdom'. It has always made sense to me that any injury to the plant will slow it down and that in flowering it has the most trouble recovering quickly. I have never done any kind of experiment to test this and I do know from experience that ideas that 'make a lot of sense' are sometimes dead wrong.

Personaly I try to follow a policy of 'Don't cut nothing!' except for topping early on. I also scrogged (I'm not scrogging anymore). To deal with leaves obscuring bud sites, I would either tie them back or roll them up like a cigar and put a twist tie on them. I have gotten very good yields. Over 2oz a plant and sometimes 3oz. Not as good as yours but there are too many factors in a grow to pin this on a pruning policy.

600W HPS, FF OF soil, FN nutes. Top44 (my very first grow), AK47, Blueberry, Big Bud, Greenomatic (auto) and others that I can't recall at the moment. There has been a 10yr hiatus in my growing career.

I am very interested in your finishing in 45 days from clone. How do you manage this so fast? Are you starting the clone in 12/12. How many plants are you using per sq ft?

Currently my approach is to not focus on yield and to grow the plants as close to their natural form as possible. I am moving to a vertical grow (description in my journal ) and not doing scrog. Next year I may have different ideas :)

PS those colas in your avatar are amazing. My first thught was "That was photoshopped" :). I know it's not.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
My 12/12 didn't work, and it took longer than 60 days anyway. I yielded less than a eighth off one plant and the other is still going. FML

Next grow I'm vegging for sure. I know I can yield 2 oz in about the same time w/ a month of veg.


Well-Known Member
I routinely grow from start to finnish in 45 days. There is no time that is better to start flowering then another. If the plant has rooted and is stable it can flower. I take two in clones and go directly into flower, I believe vegging is a waste of time. The time it takes is dependent entirely on the strain, a pure Indica will reach it's harvesting point in half the time(min) then a Sativa and yield at least twice as much. This eliminates the need for seperate veg and flower rooms, differnt lights, or nutes. I can also produce 8 harvest a year. Since you are starting the flowering from a clone hieght concerns are not an issue and I generally yield nearly as much from a single small plant as some do with much larger plants that take 3, 4, or 5 times as long. In my commercial grow facilities we stagger starting times and get in a cycle where we have a harvest each week. This spreads out the labor needs and gauranties a fresh supply of herb. My students who have never grown before are averaging 5 lbs in 6 weeks in 40 square feet of flowering room. I have yielded nearly twice that. For skeptics I'm not selling anything and don't mind sharing my information. If you see the buds in my avatar they came from plants under 3 feet grown in a 4x4 room. It is all about knowledge and paying attention to detail. Good luck
45 days huh, that i have to see. most strains take at least 8 weeks to fully flower and some upto 12 weeks. what kind of seeds do you use to accomplish this result? only auto flowers can ripen that quicky(like lowryder) and thats all genetics and they only get upto 45 grms a plant and those require another 15-20 day seedling stage to obtain those results so thats much closer to 60-65 days but you fail to mention that. you make it sound like you can take any indica strain and flower it in 45 days. it can take upto 2 weeks for a plant to even show flowers. you must be pulling your crops way, way premature. but from a guy who claims to be growing from start to finish in 45 days it doesnt surprise me.

from 2 in to 3ft in 45 days with no veg and a 3 oz yield. comical.....

here is a strain that is engineered to flower in 45 days which is a hybrid.


Indoors: 40-45 days (after a 15-20 day seedling stage)
Outdoors: Ripens approximately 60 days after seed is sown.
Note: 100% of plants display the auto-flowering genotype.


Average Lowryder height is 12 inches. Minimum: 5 inches. Maximum 16 inches. Lowryder height is very light-dependent, with slight phenotype variations.


Depending on light and other factors, Lowryder yields up to 45 grams.

id like to know how you are in 45 days, getting double what they are from an indica strain that isnt even an auto flower?


Well-Known Member
zvuv, I am interested to learn more about your experiences with your flowering. We all have had different results and there is no wrong or right just personal experience. I have not had the results you speak of and have differing opinions on some. I absolutely do prune while in flower on a regular basis to ensure light penetration is at it's max. From a two in clone I will generally harvest a cola of around 3 feet in hieght and 2 to 3 ounces in yield. The pruning during flower also cuts down on the manicuring reguired at harvest. Can you share what type of strain and as much enviromental info you can. I am interested in your results. I love threads like this as I always learn something. Thanks
rotfl.......... light penetration to where exactly? where are you trying to penetrate the light at on a 45 day grow? you make it sound like you are growing trees. the pruning during flowering also cuts down on yield. im calling bullshit on just about everything you have typed. you arent doing anything you claim and you are just giving out awful, incompetent advice.


Well-Known Member
look at it this way your plant is gonna double its size in flower(by stretching), the longer you veg the fatter the yield! if you veg for 2 months you will get 5oz, if you veg for 1 month you will get 2.5oz, and if your impatient and flower from the start you will get 1oz. im speaking from experience here. also transplant asap into the biggest container possible, your plant will have a big growth spurt, im talking big. if you put it in a bucket you wont regret it, and you'll never go back either.
WOW, a bit more interest then expected. I will confess I haven't read each question for every person just because I have a limited amount of time I can commit here, nothing personal just logistics. I am delighted to answer any and all questions and will revisit the post when I can to pick up remaining questions. Fair enough? I've grown cannabis everyway it can be grown I think, indoors and out, top of trees, sideways, hidden, in plane sight, water soil and everything inbetween, even graphted. After forty three years growing I have come to the conclussion that when growing indoors vegging is a waste of time, space, equiptment, and resources. Here's my reasoning, it's my opinion and doesn't mean it is the best and only way. It just happens to be the best way I have had experience with. Where does the vast majority of your yield come from? Where does the highest quality product come from? The top third of the plant correct? In my experience the top third of the plant produces probably 85 to 90% of my yield. So after pondering the truth of that I had to ask myself, "why grow the bottom two thirds?" I couldn't find a good answer that made any sense. I want to spend two more months for little return, I want to require twice the space, I like spending money on duplicate equipment. Those were the best answers and all stunk. After that light bulb moment I then spent about five years in trial and error, trying different equipment to find what worked best. Here's what the end product looked like, I've had commercial clients pay my rediculously high rates($10,000 retainer plus $250 an hour) for this. Hopefully it will dispell any thoughts of bad, or money driven intentions on my part, just sharing the love. So I maintain mothers of the strains I want to grow, my standard grow has 12 flower station for a total of 720 plants. About 4 or 500 sq ft off the top of my head. When growing a pure indica that has a flower time of 6 weeks I will stager the start days in the beginning so I end up with two systems or 120 plants ready for harvest every week. From the mothers I plan ahead and take the required number of clones plus around ten percent just in case. The clones are allowed to pop and then a couple days for stabelizing. They then go into a cart we designed for holding and transporting from the cloning area to the dark room where we kick them into flower. Everything is designed to complete the entire process without the need to transplant or shuffle by hand clones, clippings etc. After I kick the clones into flower (36 hours continous dark) they are placed in their final destination where they will go through the flowering phase. Timing is watched so the end of the 36 hours of dark coincides with the beginning of the light period. Cannabis is a "Long night photo periodic" Plant. This means the amount of dark needed to push into flower is 12 continous hours, the amount of light is not important as long as twelve hours of continous darkness is given. The 12/12 represents the fall equinox sept 22 (prof's b-day). This tells the plant fall is here and you better reproduce while you can. Now you know why 12/12. From this point on the colas, usually 2 to 3 inches tall for us remain in flower. So some say the plant has to be a certain age or size to flower but that hasn't been my experience. I just want a clone with an established root system. From here the time required to cultivate is entirely dependent on the strain. I had almost everyone call me a liar when I first started sharing this. If you know cannabis you can now see without question that what I'm saying is possible. My fastest grow has been 43 days from established clone to harvest. We start a new crop the same day we harvest the other, no equipment down time at all. In the grow facility described with 12 station I can conservatively produce 670 lbs annualy of medicinal grade cannabis. 400 sq ft flower. After 43 years of pratice will put a feather i my own hat, that is just downright ass kicking pot growing. Sorry. 8 grows a year. That is the bottom side with a pure indica and goes longer from there. I often dedicate six systems to indicas so I have a weekly harvest and the other six too sativa's which allows for a harvest every two or three weeks on the long side. These are my tidbits of advice I give at my seminars. Plan your work and have predetermined goal. KISS. Less is more. Buy the very best equipment available. I don't buy cheap, or used. But I have in earlier/poorer days. Give them what they want, when they want it, in the amounts they want. Pay attention to details. Rule one. Don't tell anyone. Rule two, after you're released see rule number one. As sad as it is, everyone will steal from you (I don't meen you specifically) Family, friends, nieghbors, boyfriend of your niece. Everyone. See rule number one. And always remember that by giving we also receive. If it's all about money you're in the wrong business. Fastest Indica I've grown? also the biggest yielding is C4, find at hempdepot, don't remember the breeder but you can find. Hope that helps, next round I guess we should cover equipment. Where do I send the bill? lol, just kidding folks. Let me add that I grow in fairly large quantities, that doesn't een you have too. If you could harvest a lb a month for your head would you be happy? It can be done with relatively little space and equipment. We use one 1,000 watt HPS for every 30 plants. All in the details. If I don't get to a specific question it's because I didn't see it or had a brain fart, PM me if it's important or urgent. One Love Prof Mj