60 OZ per Plant


Well-Known Member
Lol them damn Zerg bastards have taken all the dilithium. We must find a brood and mate them so we can infest their hive.
And gain all the dilithium back muah jahahahahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
60oz=3.75pds ..indoor plant?? wowzers please show us, yoda :)

if that was outdoors.. uuum.. first time? lolz j/k


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
@TheOrganic ....No indoor bro....and its 4 pounds a plant or 64 oz......DD is now at 8 pounds a plant or 128 ozs a plant freakin incredible..

I'm lucky/happy to get 6-8 oz a plant
New to me in indoor pulling that much.
Well lets see the link thats fucking nutz.


Well-Known Member
Wow, what's with all the doubters? These guys have been pulling these numbers for awhile now.

He was aiming for 10lbs per plant, hit 8+

doubled's 10lb plant room
wasn't doubting at all. Couldn't find anything so I asked for a link and you delivered. Thanks. With that setup I wouldn't expect anything less than 6 pounds per and up.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHa Ive fucking seen it all cheers to doubled. And go figure it was on THC Farmer big grows on there. I'm glad to say I was wrong for doubting cause when seeing it.....and putting all that light on a plant with the right cooling.....right on man!