60 Plant Grow Setup

yes, that is what comes with the MM cards. The ability to grow your own medicine, or have someone grow it for you. "caretaker"

its all kinda shit

ya, i know the deal about the MM cards! the guy said "Its is legal according to state law...NOT federal Law.." almost like the whole state could grow even without MM cards.

he didnt specify about the MM cards. for example, he didnt say "its legal according to state law to grow if you have a MM card".

i dont know if Fdd has a MM card or not. I know caligrown has one-i saw it on a pic he posted a while back.

id sure like to be a "caretaker", how many plants can they "take care" of?
im pretty sure everybody in cali has MM card.

most of the members have 'illnesses', but they are so cool, they dont let it phase them and let it show. (im guessing)
Ok let me clarify.

It is legal for MM card holders to grow, smoke, and distribute marijuana, But only by state Law not federal law.

Soooo Fed's can still come busting down their doors ands arrest them.

This is because accordign to federal law there is absolutely no such thing as medical marijuana and it is considered an illegal drug.

So this means that state police cant do anything to these legal medical growers but Federal agents can arrest and charge them with whatever they want.
ya, i know the deal about the MM cards! the guy said "Its is legal according to state law...NOT federal Law.." almost like the whole state could grow even without MM cards.

he didnt specify about the MM cards. for example, he didnt say "its legal according to state law to grow if you have a MM card".

i dont know if Fdd has a MM card or not. I know caligrown has one-i saw it on a pic he posted a while back.

id sure like to be a "caretaker", how many plants can they "take care" of?

every county makes their own rules for growing. Some county's say u can have certain amounts of space, like 5 X 5 foot spots. And some have certain amounts of plants. Caretakers use same rules as patients.

And not everyone has cards. There are legit doctors who just don't hand them out like candy, the reputable ones give them to poeple with well documented needs. This can be things like migraines etc, but usually is more serious.
i talked to him a few hours ago. him and jean where eating shrimp somewhere.

were they drinking appletinis? and talking about how fast that car goes? Talk about doing some Van Dammage

My prediction is we don't get another pic on this grow from Trenton.
Sometimes....I beat my wife.....and dont feel bad about it.....

were they drinking appletinis? and talking about how fast that car goes? Talk about doing some Van Dammage

My prediction is we don't get another pic on this grow from Trenton.

Well i can only conclude, that the plants looked poor, there was likely yellowing leaf curling and other lock up/ lock out. I noticed in the last picture set he gave it appeared to be a small area of the garage.

Based on all the pest and mildew i bet the plants looked semi sickly thus no pictures.

I also have to bash you trenton for starting a new journal in the middle of this one. Trenton you let alot of people down on the most important part. taking a few finished shots is bullshit IMO

If you vested 10-12 k in this one and a viper, surely you can spring for a camera....

I am not sure i agree with everyone here, or i share thier oppions however you dont build the biggest grow in RIU history them piss on your fan base....
Make tons of empty promises then say ill show you my car...... thats not what 40 thousand members wanted to see......

You couldnt even show the clone dome....... there is busy then there is lazy............

Dude, its the largest non commercial grow, non commercial genetics, that wasn't done for money, but has the most video.... including most shots of a COOL ASS TRUCK... Knight Rider had fewer car shots..

