60 pounds of weed


Active Member
omg man this is funny shit.

you wanna grow 60 pounds in an apartment and it sounds like you have no idea how to grow.
dude your gonna need to find another line of work.
your looking at over 10 grand worth of shit just to grow it.
and then when your apartment or warehouse REEKS of bud you will get busted and loose everything lol.
no one can just jump the gun from 10 to 300 plants and magically make 60 lbs
on a more serious matter..
id suggest renting a place with an unfinished basement and a few 1000 watter to hang from the ceiling and go from there.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^ dude! Did u read any of this? Its from last June! U dug DEEP in the crates for this one...


Well-Known Member
60 lbs???????......your obviously looking for money.....sad.....is this even condoned on the site?......i mean...talking about cash cropping?....if i were you dude....i wouldnt even bother trying to do that indoor somewhere....wait till the summer and do some outdoor guerilla growing.....trying to achieve this indoors is just reckless and stupid.....IMO
60 lbs???????......your obviously looking for money.....sad.....is this even condoned on the site?......i mean...talking about cash cropping?....if i were you dude....i wouldnt even bother trying to do that indoor somewhere....wait till the summer and do some outdoor guerilla growing.....trying to achieve this indoors is just reckless and stupid.....IMO

completely agreed. do it indoors and your almost guaranteed getting caught. 200 plants in one residential building? I don't think so.


Well-Known Member
You could build a Heath verticle about 80 feet high, maybe the cops won't smell it way up there. Don't forget to post your grow journal...your first time grow journal.

Lavender Lady

Well-Known Member
I live where you can grow 3/3 plants if you are a care giver. That is bullshit because if you have a large outdoor grow of more than say 15 plants you will be busted. I live in the mountains and someone close by had an outdoor grow of a 999 plants and they were busted. What heart ache/mess for individuals involved. Obviously small grows don't attract as much attention but in Colorado you cannot be almost legal, 30 plants growing when 15 are allowed. Some law personel don't want any large grows because of the crime. In my area a short growing season makes any large harvest difficult. My yields were about 3-5 oz per plant. Then there were the plants that got eaten by bug (half my crop in another location). Then there is the friend you told who ripped you off because you couldn't guard your grow and went out of town.

The list is endless for reasons not to do what you want to do. But you'll do it your way.


Well-Known Member
all you need is 15 plants and twenty cfl's and about 50 mirrors. make sure to piss on them for nitrogen. you're gonna want to switch to flower in the 2nd week of growth. take scissors trim them back to about an inch over the soil then switch the lights to 48 hours on 12 hours off.


Well-Known Member
all you need is 15 plants and twenty cfl's and about 50 mirrors. Make sure to piss on them for nitrogen. You're gonna want to switch to flower in the 2nd week of growth. Take scissors trim them back to about an inch over the soil then switch the lights to 48 hours on 12 hours off.

thats the best shit i've heard all day


all you need is 15 plants and twenty cfl's and about 50 mirrors. make sure to piss on them for nitrogen. you're gonna want to switch to flower in the 2nd week of growth. take scissors trim them back to about an inch over the soil then switch the lights to 48 hours on 12 hours off.
At least if he took this advice it might save his ass the 20 years.... IN PRISON


Active Member
you can probably grow 60 pounds and yield once a year in a really big green house with hard to see through plastic.


Well-Known Member
Dude, seriously, what a pipedream! Why don't you try to grow and then worry about trying to get rich from it, cuz you wont. Do you have any idea how much work it would take to grow 60lbs of good bud? Obviously it can be done but it is funny when wannabe drug dealers come to forums and be like I wanna grow whatever cuz every grow varries so it is a question without a real answer not to mention how are we to know if you are capable of growing that many plants, keeping track of light and feeding regimines and you have to have money to buy the lights and rent another apartment cuz you aint gonna have room for you there...try growing and actually getting a good yield on several plants and then go from there and learn cloning and like a sea of green technique....but as for getting rich, get a job and work for your money! I can't believe how jacked up pot prices are cuz people are greedy.

Start a real business and then you might have a chance of making some real money...If I grew 60lbs I wouldn't part with much of it....just roll around in it and smoke 24-7, like I do already....