600 Watt 12/12 From Seed Lazy Susan

I hit them bitches hard with their last shot of nutes last night. One started screaming No No please! Its too much! I just smacked her with my strong hand, the pimp one and continued! They may die just from shock, we'll see.
44 Days 12/12. I dropped the light to 16" Still have the glass on. I got some pics this morning right after lights out. Taking shots through the glasses just isnt the same. I was going to use my good camera but the battery was dead, so iPhone it is! I ran these 2 through Lightroom first.

I hope to repaint the walls after this grow, should be another 2 weeks or so. I have alot of nice uniform size nugs, I like consistency. Me and the wife got into it a bit yesterday when she discovered I hadnt put the 600 on craigs for sale yet :) Something about me lying and saying I said I was done with my room. I promised her I'd never build larger than I have but I never said I wasnt going to increase the wattage in the existing space! Then we had a happy distraction and it hasnt been brought back up yet!
She just needed to get it off her chest. Make it up to her, and give it a few more months before the next upgrade :).

Mine isn't thrilled I'm getting ready to buy this floro light, but she knows the benefit, and how it will improve my set up so she isn't fighting me on it. She knows this is a huge part of our life, and its only an investment.
I hope to repaint the walls after this grow, should be another 2 weeks or so. I have alot of nice uniform size nugs, I like consistency. Me and the wife got into it a bit yesterday when she discovered I hadnt put the 600 on craigs for sale yet :) Something about me lying and saying I said I was done with my room. I promised her I'd never build larger than I have but I never said I wasnt going to increase the wattage in the existing space! Then we had a happy distraction and it hasnt been brought back up yet!
600 is digital right? how much you looking to sell it for? have you considered keeping it for vegging and flower with the thousand. its much cheaper on the wallet.
600 is digital right? how much you looking to sell it for? have you considered keeping it for vegging and flower with the thousand. its much cheaper on the wallet.
I do plan on vegging with it, if I can get them both hanging then veg away and when its flower time they get more spread around the room and the 1k will get turned on. I dont have a price for it yet cuz its not technically for sale yet :)
Was also gonna say those girls sure are looking nice man. Seem to be fattening up very well, and obviously nice and frosty :).
hella nice Chaka :)
Its nice Im having to prop most of the plants up with a bamboo stick. The buds be so heavy they're pulling them over! Its not a problem I always have :) I tried some new secrets this round, and although finishing out with the 1k will help, I wont give it all the credit!
dat FM is a good man do you conqur
Em as I like call him is a very unique individual. Funny to be around, I wish I smoked more cuz I would probably see him alot more than I do. I guess moreso that my wife works nights, I have 4 kids and get to be Mr mom most the time.
Its nice Im having to prop most of the plants up with a bamboo stick. The buds be so heavy they're pulling them over! Its not a problem I always have :) I tried some new secrets this round, and although finishing out with the 1k will help, I wont give it all the credit!
wait till the next time you flower all the way thru with the 1000. the buds will be even bigger next time around. i did that with a few plants one time and a scrog. started out small bulb then half way thru changed to the 1000. the results are way better if you use the big bulb from start to finish. you may be surprised next round at the size you can achieve just becuz of the bigger bulb.
Im always bugging u to hangout, but I understand you are a busy chaka. I pray my plant outside buds half as good as yours. She is packing weight n frost. How long you going to flower them for?
Its funny you mention frost cuz just last night I was like hey you're finally getting frosty! Im thinking at least 2 more weeks.
dam ! nice clusters what week r they in to flower mAN they could probly go 1-2 more weeks for sure start lowering you nutes and maybe start a flush u know looking great !
dam ! nice clusters what week r they in to flower mAN they could probly go 1-2 more weeks for sure start lowering you nutes and maybe start a flush u know looking great !
Yeah around 2 weeks and I gave them a lethal dose of nutes a couple days ago so they're gonna be in flush mode till harvest.