600 Watt 12/12 From Seed Lazy Susan

its actually the bulbs that cause the lines. the camara in the phone doesnt have enough megapixels to support some of the color coming from the bulb. if you use a regular camera it shouldnt do it anymore. regular camaras actually have better light filters in them with higher megapixels lenses in them so they filter out a lot of the colors we cant see from the bulb whereas the camera phone tries to show them. lol. i did a lot of google searches high one night trying to figure out why my phone did it and my camera didnt. lol. cuz i thought i had broken my phone or something.

While that sounds all fine and technical I'm afraid you may have read the response of another stoner :) It has to do with the frequency a magnetic ballast operates at vs a digital one, if you have a digital 1k you can take a picture and it will only be yellow instead of having the heavy lines. A similar example is if you ever tried to film some older monitors they would have lines rolling down the screen. You could go into the settings and increase the refresh rate (hz) of the monitor and see it actually change the speed at which the scrolling occurs. The higher the freq. the less noticeable the lines. i.e.: Digital ballasts operate at a much higher frequency than a magnetic ballast, its also the reason alot of bulb manufacturers wouldnt condone running their lamps in a digital ballast because the bulbs were designed 100 years ago to run at a low frequency. Also explains more of the bulb failures people see with some digital ballasts.

But then again, I could just be making shit up? :twisted:
While that sounds all fine and technical I'm afraid you may have read the response of another stoner :) It has to do with the frequency a magnetic ballast operates at vs a digital one, if you have a digital 1k you can take a picture and it will only be yellow instead of having the heavy lines. A similar example is if you ever tried to film some older monitors they would have lines rolling down the screen. You could go into the settings and increase the refresh rate (hz) of the monitor and see it actually change the speed at which the scrolling occurs. The higher the freq. the less noticeable the lines. i.e.: Digital ballasts operate at a much higher frequency than a magnetic ballast, its also the reason alot of bulb manufacturers wouldnt condone running their lamps in a digital ballast because the bulbs were designed 100 years ago to run at a low frequency. Also explains more of the bulb failures people see with some digital ballasts.

But then again, I could just be making shit up? :twisted:
no ur not making shit up. ballasts do cause interference but its not visual interference its signal interference tha it causes if you are close enough. also my camera does it even with expensive digital ballasts. also my ballasts arent close enough to cause that kind of interference with my phone. for that to make sense it would cause it to screw up even at a distance. my ballasts have absolutely nothing to do with it. i have a digital ballast that does it also. its the hps bulb thats causing it. not the ballasts otherwise my mh bulbs would do the same thing which isnt actually the case. its the light spectrum of the hps bulb and the fact that your camera phone cant handle the exposure value like most of the phones that are out there today.

a little trick that might work for you when the lights are on and you want to take pics. go into the settings on your camera phone and raise the exposure value a couple points and it wont do it as bad or nearly at all at about 4 ft distance.

also different hps bulbs change how bad it will be depending on the color temp of it.

also i can take picture of my ballasts both digi and magnetic with my phone without problems. shouldnt it distort the picture if im inches from it?

i originally thought it was interference from the ballasts also but i proved myself wrong with some research and actual picture taking.
Well what I do know is that it sucks. I wont be getting any good tric shots till the plants get chopped is what she boils down to. But soon! I'll probably chop this weekend.
You could clamp a cfl up somewhere and use it when the light goes out. Wait, why cant you pull a plant out into normal light?
Well what I do know is that it sucks. I wont be getting any good tric shots till the plants get chopped is what she boils down to. But soon! I'll probably chop this weekend.
turn your flash on if you have one it helps also if you get close up with the lights on.
Then youd have to lower the exposure, and while your at it may as well adjust the ap,,, but thats too much!!! I can understand though!
something about the white light overtakes the red from the hps for some reason. if you were not within inches it wouldnt work tho. ive tried. lmao.
Oh i know it works. Proper white balance adjustments can make a world of difference too.

Do the sunglasses over the lens take lining out too?
Quit being so lazy, you are a chaka, they hunt dinosaurs and flourish around plants and trees. I would only chop the one plant, no need to chop all. Let the rest finish.
I dont think Ive ever really let a plant go as long as I want it to in my life! The trics Ive checked all say pull me! But so many white hairs still, and the calyxs are starting to puff a bit now.
That's a lot of labor to chop all the plants at once. Lol so that strain is a 50 day finisher? My clone is a 140 day finisher.
I dont think Ive ever really let a plant go as long as I want it to in my life! The trics Ive checked all say pull me! But so many white hairs still, and the calyxs are starting to puff a bit now.

wait man its only going to be better in the end!