Pin, I am gearing up for my fall grow.
Got 13 seeds that I put in cups of treated water for 1.5 days and just put them in paper towels to finish germination.
5 - G13 Haze, 4 - BlueBerry and 4 - Original Skunk #1. Will select either 5 for a vertical grow or 8 if I choose to go horizontal.
My journal will be in DTW Hydro.


Hope to see you there!
Solid line up... What breeder did you get blueberry from... That was my first plant I really had major success with 9 years ago and I still think about her... You know like a first love!!!
So I had 100% success in the cloner! Gave all the ladies a compost tea foliar at sunrise and 3 liters each to the root zone by hand. JACK is happy and healthy. Fealing accomplished now just have to keep a close eye out for bugs in the greenhouse.
Got 6 5 gallon buckets to trim so time to get lifted and some audioslave pandora on the stereo.
Hired a guy to sell compost tea yard applications door to door. So well see how that goes!
Solid line up... What breeder did you get blueberry from... That was my first plant I really had major success with 9 years ago and I still think about her... You know like a first love!!!
So I had 100% success in the cloner! Gave all the ladies a compost tea foliar at sunrise and 3 liters each to the root zone by hand. JACK is happy and healthy. Fealing accomplished now just have to keep a close eye out for bugs in the greenhouse.
Got 6 5 gallon buckets to trim so time to get lifted and some audioslave pandora on the stereo.
Hired a guy to sell compost tea yard applications door to door. So well see how that goes!

I think she was a freebie from Seedsman Seeds, and they were the breeder. I grew out a freebie from them, a Super Citrus Haze, was delightful. The Skunk #1 Original is theirs also, and the G13 Haze is from Barneys Farm. I grew the G13 a few grows back, good flavor and aroma with a few pleasant high. It is also a big trich producer and I have begun making Rosin, so much better vaping Rosin on my lungs that combustables, and I squished me some older G13 and it produced over 20% return which is great.

Sorry I have been hanging around in the Concentrates forums and missed what you been doing. So you're making CT, AACT and bio active? What is your starting material and methods?
I made and sold Actively Aerated Compost Tea when living in NCal, Saturday farmers market, I would make the tea late afternoon on Friday in a 60 gallon vat. Saturday I would transfer the tea into 1 and 3 gallon containers, add a small amount of food (Organic Molasses) and a small filter bag of Vermicompost to each container then just prior to the opening of the market I would run an airline to each container and keep it aerated throughout the three hours I sold. Would always sell out everything I brought, even had regular customers that would call and have me make blends for them.
I used a row processed green waste with sprayed AACT to add microbes and aid in speeding up the composing process. It was a small scale facility run by a father and son. They also used EM, Effective Microorganisms, which if you don't know about it you should check it out, good stuff. I was a reseller for EM years ago. They would harvest the compost and store it indoors, they had a free lease on a massive old Ice Making building, the length of a football field and very wide. At one end of their building they had 12 large flow through vermicomposting bins and used the aerated compost as food for their worm bins. It was a damn neat operation.
I hope you have access to good compost, when I moved back here I could find no one that sold a "tested" compost.
I now make my own from yard/garden waste, have 5 - 5' wide and 4' tall wire bins and they get turns every few weeks, depending on the amount of composting worm activity there is in the bins. Use everything for my garden and yard/plants. Wish I had a place to sell.

Long story sorry!
Compost tea only makes for the best of the best. Anytime you can put your hand in a brew and it feels alive you know you've gone from the millions to the billions brother...
I do the bountea program john Evan's developed up in alaska. Makes a guy look like a freaking rock star. Only time I step outside that recipe is when I toss in a dash of sea90. So solid I wrote it on the wall....20190731_133612.jpg
In this pot size they are top heavy... had to put cinder blocks around the base to keep them upright... Now I know why they use 500 gallon smart pots..