Your reading my mind.. it's a dual 600 ballast... was thinking.
A. open up the circle and drop in another 2 ft apart
B. go through the gymnastics of stacking the bulbs
definetly acrobatics
also i'd get rid of that one. I'd substract 1 watering per day (to improve the rootsystem) before making a decision 3 days later. Also root-Cponix or pk babyfood foliar. Then 2 bulbs on demand

A.1 variation w/o the looser & training them like a mofo?
x o x
x o x
dude, you flipped them to 12/12 or is just my imagination

lol funny time with the alignment shit
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They are autopots and I'm gone for 7days at a Crack. they're currently consuming 1 gallon per day. yes I flipped them about 3 weeks. I'll open it up and drop in another bulb.
I'll send final tomorrow. you're correct take one out. just not sure I have enough room for your pattern I'll play with it see how it goes.
It was the only way. the wheel guards on the trailer are terrible for moving so I may have to build a false floor.
hell here i've just fucked up like 60 clones and after the decimation i m gonna need something like this

iḿ considering this kind of makeblock toys ^
