600 watt cfl is that enough?

lol some one is missing out on replacment costs dont good cfl's out live other lights no cost of keepingh it all cool and no worries of it burning down (i think leds are the way to go but need to get them cheaper and better) less wartering would also be less smell wont there ?? iv just put 5 42w cfl in cella 6th broke get bulb today but im getting a 2x 200w cfl hopeing my cella isnt to low to get best from it got 12 plants in there now and first batch of cuttings that look ok after 2 days
cfls give off just as much heat..get 400 watts worth of cfls not equivalents and a 400hps they give off the amount of heat...any bulb getting lit for 18 hours a day for a year is recommended to change the bulb.. ah....


Active Member
wyteberrywidow if you don't believe me thats ok, the proof is in the pudding, go to icm.org and check out the grow done by LIFELESS. His results are clearly marked and he doesn,t strike me as a lier. If you think about it its half the watts used by garden knowm and it stands to reason that someone could acheive half the wt GK got. Its for sure more than the average grower could get with the same watts, but not impossible. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it, even time travel. Openmindedness and intelagence make a big difference.PEACE


Well-Known Member
i had a setup of 5 clf 30w lights and had no problem raising 6 plants to veg. to a 50cm and it didnt take long