600 watt closet grow


Well-Known Member
Flowering started. Veg room is up and running. More pics. Surprise surprise.
Also note it was only another 8 days between pics. its getting ridiculous, im going to have to take the 2 small ones out and put them in a window and see what they do. might have to take out more, the Purple Berry's are just monsters, same as the original BKK.
BKK & its cloned top
Purple Berry 1 2 & 3
Purple Arrows 1 & 2
Bag Seeds 1 & 2
Flowering Chamber
Veg Room


Well-Known Member
Ventilation System upgrade....complete
Vegatation Facility lighting upgrade.....complete
Flower Facility lighting pulley system upgrade.....complete

Mission Objective:
Your mission if you choose to accept it.... get baked and check out the last 2 weeks in Cannabisville


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8 days later 10-6

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As you can see the plants are thriving. Bud production is nice, but 1 of the Purple Arrows and 1 of the Purple Berries are noticeably further behind the others, while the other Purple Arrow appears to have significantly heavier bud weight than the rest even though its one of the smallest overall. Also the bud porn aren't the best pics, but next week ill be doing nug shots so hang tight.

Also note feeding is now @ 1300ppm 2x a week. watering every other day, if i waited for a 3rd day they will droop. soil is completely dry when watered, Feed 2x Water 1x repeat.


Well-Known Member
very nice looking!great documentation as well!
Thank you! i figured i would do this instead of keeping an actual spreadsheet for the first grow, i mean i'm still figuring things out about this system and this may benefit more than myself. I imagine once i get things sorted ill start a spreadsheet and just load pics and updated copies of it. Here is a preview of the next wave of photos



Well-Known Member
Soo much has happened. I didn't get time to do pics last week, so this will be dramatic. Got some nuteburn early last week and growth rate slowed down for a few days as a result and had to remove quite a few leaves that were mostly destroyed. I staked the plants up except the Purple arrow because i ran out of stakes. resin production is off the charts and buds are back on the way getting huge. Now i'm sure some of you have noticed that my 2 purple arrows look almost nothing alike, and this is because they're not the same strain. had the guy i got them from take a look after it became so apparent that they were different. So the Purple Arrow 2 is actually a Medjuana. I'll have to reveg it long enough to get a clone before i kill it as the 1 clone i took from it didn't survive.





Purple Arrow


Purple Berry


Bag Seeds
