600 Watt HPS Eye Hortilux on Light Mover Questions??


Active Member
Hello Everyone,

I have a few Questions concerning my new grow room. I just built a 10' x 6' Grow Room. I insulated the walls and ceiling and Black and White Polyed the entire room. I plan on growing 9 Plants at once in 5 Gallon DWC Buckets. My Room is kept at 75 Degrees and 55% Humidity with an Air Conditioner/DeHumidifier. I will be arranging my plants under the light in a pattern of 3 Rows of 3 Plants. So basically a Square. I have a 600W HPS on a Light Rail above the Plants. Will this be sufficient lighting to grow nice plants? My light rail allows me to stop the light at each end to accomodate for the outside light loss.

Thank you so much for the help. I know there are some very knowledgable growers on here. I appreciate the help.


Well-Known Member
Your plants shall be Ok under a 600Watt HPS. You still need to take some other stuff into account.
Where will you be vegging, and where will you start seedlings, etc. All these factors need different types and amounts of light.


Active Member
I Veg in a seperate room on a Flood table under T5's. I then transplant them into the 5 Gallon DWC Buckets and move them to the new flower room.


Well-Known Member
All that money on a light mover...why? They are ok to use to move the light a few inches if you hava a noticable gap. A light mover is the cost of another light. A light mover provides light to one area while not lighting up another. If you don't want to spend money on extra utility charges I would return the light mover and buy an Adjust A Wing reflector. The size of your grow area really doesn't require much more than one light. No mover necessary.


Active Member
I thought maybe the mover would help to reach some of the outer budsites. Now that I think about it I probably didnt need it. It wont hurt my grow will it?


Well-Known Member
No, it won't hurt anything, it is an improvement over no light mover at all. It just may have been an unnecessary expense, as yourself and others have said. Give it a go and make a call after you see how things work out. I think you should be just fine with this setup.


Well-Known Member
No prob. If you feel like expanding a little down the line, your room could take advantage of another 600 as long as the A/C can keep up with it. If the light mover will accept both lights, all the better. You could almost fill the space wall to wall with two lights on a mover.


Active Member
That does sound awesome man. Im gonna trade in my other 2 400W Ballasts that are just collecting dust and get another 600W with hortilux bulb. My AC right now is set to 75 and it has no problem keeping it there. I didnt even hook up my inline exhaust fan to the light yet either. Im sure the AC will be fine. Im hoping with the cooler temps this time around that my buds will be a tad more dense. Im sick of fluffy buds.


Well-Known Member
If those two 400 watters are in good working order, and you do want to expand eventually, just use what you've got. Sandwich the 600 between the two 400s. I haven't run a 400 in a few years, but I used to have good results using Son Agro 430W bulbs and I don't remember them being too expensive...may be wrong on that. The two smaller lights placed on either end will help spread out the light and heat as well.

I've had a little bit of fluffy/spiky bud syndrome here as well through the dog days of summer. Shouldn't be an issue for too much longer now before it starts to cool off again here where I am in the great white north. :)


Active Member
Yeah I thought about using them but Id rather just get another 600W as I hear that they are the best bang for your buck. How do you think I should set up the 2 600's on the Light Rail? Example: Should one light be in the middle while the other is at the end?

Lol Yeah man I hear ya. Its been too hot!! Yeah Im sure your temps will be just fine soon...lol. Im actually on the East Coast in U.S. It gets very cold here in winter also.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough on the light choice. 600s are the most efficient choice.

If it were me, I'd decide on the actual size of the grow space based on the travel of the mover. Is it a straight rail? How far does it move in each direction or can you adjust it? I'd probably run right around a 4x8 size (I always think in flood and drain table sizes, I use them for the drain, not so much the flood) with the lights evenly spaced at 2 feet from center and then let the light mover shift them back and forth about a foot or so. The center will still get more light than the edges, but the edges will now spend half the time in bright light, half in lower light rather than all the time in lower light. You'll be able to tinker and optimize things once it is physically up and running in front of you to get things just right.


Active Member
Yep its a straight rail. It could move a maximum of 6 feet or minimum of 1 foot. Adjustable. Also what is adjustable is that when the light reaches the end, I could delay it from 2 seconds to 60 Seconds before it starts to move back in the other direction.


Active Member
Im started already. Just have to go buy the extra light. I had 4 plants flowering in a tent before I finished the room. I transplanted them to 5 gallon DWC buckets Sunday and they been flowering in the room ever since.