6000 watt hydro CRAWL SPACE...close 2 done...someone show me another please

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Well-Known Member

I had to post that i was a kid trying to get away with this from his parents:-P

I damn near shit my pants laughing when i posted it.

Anyway , on with the show.
Yeah, nice try. Seriously buddy. I've been thinking about this for a while now. It's just such total bullshit. Here we all are (some of us have better things to do) trying to help you out, only to find out that you're basically conning us all. I don't appreciate it at all. Some of us try to keep things between the lines so we don't fuck it up for everyone else (ourselves included). And then there's you, and you're still trying to lie to us. Now I know that you're underage, because only a kid would be that fucking dumb to actually believe you could just say "just kidding", and we'd buy it.

CG already covered the parents' angle, and did it well so I'll leave that alone.

In short, this thread is done, it will soon be closed and your account deleted. Congrats. At least you came out and said it now, so we didn't all go further down the hole with you. I'm at least glad of that. Don't jeopardize your family's lives and home for your own selfish gain. We tried to help because we assumed you were a state legal patient growing some medicine, which has been cleared up. On with the show indeed...


Well-Known Member
Wow, CG hit it on the head....really kid? go do what i did when i was 15, find some field to grow in and plant some plants out there... Funny story for everyone else, i planted about 20 seeds germinated with my next door neighbor, we ran a water hose out about a good 400 yards into our property (20 acres) and started a grow....they looked great through summer, until the damn grasshoppers swarmed our crops, not just our MJ, but the neighbors 300 acres...it was disastrous, i will never forget the look on my buddies face when we went out to check on them..... Anyways, the point being, your to damn young to be growing in your parents crawl space, bad design first off! Second, what are you going to do when they start to flower and you cannot filter the smell..or when you have a water main break and a contractor comes out to look under the house only to find that your parents are getting locked away in federal prison, while your little ass gets shipped to some state run orphanage!! Take that and pack it in your bowl, think about the risks..... why risk your parents freedom for selfishness!?!? Disclaimer....I do not condone growing for minors nor is any of this information intended for the misuse or illegal misrepresentation....
Wow, making that post was not as funny as I first may have thought. The internet seems to have a way of doing that sometimes.
First off, do you really think I could get as far as I have (10' pipes threw a 3'x3' opening, power from main breaker box to my space, Laying down tar paper, THIS IS THE BIG ONE...digging for 3 days as well as siftiing and moving dirt, intalling a secondary house sump and pit, ACTUALLY having $ to purchase material, knowledge on wiring,construction,ducting and growing) being a minor.

I am 37 and have been doing this since almost a minor....20. I had a job since 14 part time ...full time at 18. I mostly have done hydroponic buckets...small amount of clones (usually 8-14) with 13-18 1000 watts.

I have comments about young kids trying to get advice on growing in parents houses and thought it would be funny to think a kid would even have a chance of getting away with something in a parents.

I honestly thought I would get mixed comments on it. Im surprised no one has called my bluff on being a kid sneaking this from his parents.

Im not really one to post of anything on the internet, but this is so rare I figured I may be able to finally see other pic and also help others.

If I get banned well I guess its well deserved, but hopefully the thread will stay to help other of my build to this point.

More to come from the nightmare soon . . . . . If not banned.


Well-Known Member
people come here and they try to help you and you find it necessary to deceive them and make stuff up??? what if they felt like returning the favor and just starting making stuff up and giving you false info? that wouldnt be cool, would it? i read the context in which you wrote that post and it seemed pretty damn genuine to me. i dont know what your deal is but good luck to you.


Rebel From The North
from what I know all was ligit till he said he was a minor then says it was a joke so nobody really know the truth other than a statment was made
to the point he said he was a minor, and no action has been made


New Member
from what I know all was ligit till he said he was a minor then says it was a joke so nobody really know the truth other than a statment was made
to the point he said he was a minor, and no action has been made
i went through whole thread seen he said he had to wait till parents leave to go to growroom but missed him saying he was underage
if i have no evidence of it i dont think i can do anything :cry:
can anyone here show me if i missed it?


Rebel From The North
I cant find it either must just of been a distastful joke, I really want to follow this and the crazy idea of it was awsome up to the point of the parent part


New Member
I cant find it either must just of been a distastful joke, I really want to follow this and the crazy idea of it was awsome up to the point of the parent part

im going to go back right now and look through here again to see if i missed
dinner can wait


New Member
the t5's i have no experience with and it doesnt sound like very high yielder. There flouresent lights? I wish i had some dimmable 600's but dont so 4 1000watts it is. I built a quick 20 pot rubbermaid chamber for some seeds that are 4" now i wanted to put in the pipes and the damn thing has a hole in it....what next..jeeze.
So i ended putting them in a tube . Tommorow i will just feed them and let run off goto sump a few times a day till my parents go out and i can bring another rubbermaid down there.

is this the post u guys are saying he admitted it on ?
i see no edit and he didnt say underage
till u guys called him on it and he said he made up being underage which is usual to say if u are not underage

im going to have to talk to someone first before i do anything
is this ok with everyone

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
It appears that way honestly think about what he said he did down under that house, i mean his parents if he was a minor would have had to have been gone for like 3 weeks to a month and this kid would have to have some serious knowledge to lay all that down in there, yea its kinda a fire hazard but what grow using HPS isnt. He just has to be extra careful cuz its under his feet. I wouldnt have put it down there but hey to each his own its a cool idea, lets just hope hes not a minor doing this while parentals are on vacation. I doubt it though.


Well-Known Member
Or the parents could just be cool with it...
He never admitted being underage, I was making that deduction myself. Either way, I'm done with this thread. Not worth it.


New Member
so is everyone here cool now?
im just trying to be fair to both sides

and do me a favor everyone if u see a problem or need some advice on this forum please contact me directly through a PM please
this report went to my personal offsite email and i didnt see it till today
thanks guys
Ok , I will clear up a few questions.I actually stumbled upon it cleaning a drain under the house. It was so concealed I never noticed it and I was down there 5 days. I actually fell threw the tar paper wall. There was shit loads of dirt, ducting etc there. Then from under the house I discovered the hatch.

The space was already used by last tenants.

As far as fire hazard...All electrical is as high as possible. The main power board is around 20" from the floor. I still dont like and there is another hatch to access it that I recently cut in my bedroom closet. I like this since I can poke my head only threw it to take a quick peak. I have a camera that has pan/tilt and zoom with night vision that I still need to install soon as well.

I have been dealing with this room for around 6 months now....mostly screwint around with cleaning, drainage, and best sump pit spot. I didnt do much up until a month ago when the tar paper was layed and it actually looked like a room.

The sump has worked flawless since I installed it, but it was really mickey mouse. I had forgotten to plug it in a few times with heavy rain to follow and the max water level was plenty below my power board. I do have a 2nd sump pit as well on the other side of house as well , but still need a 2" y to connect both to drain.

I will also buy a water sensor alarm just to be safe. I spent all day working on the sump today and now there is only a
few inches of water in the sump basin only. There was only a little bit before in the pit but I wasnt happy with the mess of dug dirt and design.

I make sure nothing is screwed to bottom of any joyces to insure I dont smash my head on it.lol. I have 2 smoke alarms in the room as well.
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