600hps/mh G$C, ChemDawg91, KGDP, Kryponite Kush & Haw. OG (pics)jhod58vw style

I said I have No Mites. Used this shit at the start of my grow. Dipped all my clones and seedlings in the shit. 110134.JPG
Yeah it's expensive. That bottle there is $30.00. The gallon is $90. All organic don't need gloves mask or anything to apply it. I usually make my own.
Are you going to flush after this next week? That will be like day 50 ish right?

I'll probably start flushing around day 55. My girls usually get feed or water every 3 to 4 days. I want to be able to give them atleast 3 waterings before they get pulled.
Blown out my mind had a blunt session with my brother and sister inlaws. About 6 blunts later. 1 Kryponite kush, 1 Girls Scout Cookies, 1 AfGoo & 3 Hindu Kush.
Bud porn coming to a site near you. LMAO plan on shooting some pics after work tonight. With the time change lights dont come on till 7pm.
Hate that I just had to pick up some Indoor Fortune Cookies. Basically out of medicine not good. Blown good tasting shit.