600w 4x4 HydroHut Silver Edition Grow With Multi Strains


Well-Known Member
I have been gone for sometime. I figure the best way to come back is with a grow journal.

Here is the basic break down of what I am working with:

- 4x4 HydroHut Silver Edition

- 2 ft T5 Fluorescent (for seeds/seedlings)

- 600w Metal Halide (sun leaves reflector) with an AgroSun Bulb (for red spectrum)

- 4 inch Vortex Inline Fan 177cfm (exhaust)

- 4 inch Axial Fan Dayton 105cfm (Intake, should I go with something else?)

- 4 inch PHRESH charcoal filter.

- 50 Rapid Rooter Grow Plugs/Tray

- 50 seeds (multiple strains)

I have a thermo/hygrometer and light meter as well.

The seeds are bag seed. However, most were collected from certified Organic California medical cannabis. So the genetics should still be okay. I also think the majority of them were made from hermi pollen (I know some were). So my male to female ratio should be decent (just have to watch out for hermies later).

These seeds have been sitting around for two years, so I planted them all just to see what would pop up. Its a mix of Indica, Hybrid, and Sativa strains....should be fun no?

Strains/seed count are as follows:

Purple Krush: 10

Green Tea: 8

Super Silver Haze: 7

Oregon Grape: 5

White Russian: 5

OG Kush: 4

W.O.W: 4

Dr. Who: 3

Snow Cap: 2

P.K.O.M.G: 1

Cali-O: 1

Some of these strains I have no idea about their background. Such as Green Tea, W.O.W, Dr. Who, and the P.K.O.M.G. If you know anything about them please feel free to enlighten me.

I started germination a few days ago, and most have sprouted to my surprise (2 year old bag seed). So far out of 50, 36 have sprouted (today is day 4 of germ). However the White Russians seem to be reluctant to sprout compared to the others...and the White Russians seeds are not as old as the other strains. Does W.R. usually take a bit longer to germinate than others?

I am a medical 215 patient and the grow is at my caretakers due to space limitations at my own home. So I will try to show you guys pics as often as possible.

Since this is for medical purposes (for a few patients), I will be staying as organic as I can. I plan on going with a coco medium and hand watering with a general hydroponics line of nutes when the time comes.

Pics were taken last night, I only uploaded a few of the best ones. :bigjoint:

Comments, questions, suggestions are always welcome.



Well-Known Member
cool.. nice selection of strains. i was askin because i've been lookin for a 4x4 tent
Yeah, the selection was really just what I had lying around from the last 2 years of gathering beans. I have some other strains saved that I will throw in to replace some of the ones that don't take off.

I am already digging the hut. I guess the first line had light leak issues. Glad I waited to get one. This thing has a bunch of vents flaps and holes.

I forgot to mention in my OP that I do have a heating mat under these seeds/seedlings as well. I noticed today that some the sprouts are stretching (as you can see in some of the new pics below). So I moved them closer to the light.

Pics were taken just a couple hours ago. Right now I have them under 24/24. I will be cutting back to 18/6 in the next couple days I think.



Well-Known Member
I'm not really sure which cut the SSH is. Like I said, it's all bag seed. So all I know is what was on the medical bottle they handed me. I am actually going over to transplant a number of these today. We got roots showing already. I guess they really love that seedling mat. I have been keeping the grow plugs temp at around 70 - 75 degrees. roughly about the same for the current air temps. Humidity seems to want to hold around 45 - 50%.

I am told that we had about another half inch of growth over night and the seedlings have been raised a little bit closer to the T5. I'll upload some pics later on tonight. Maybe I'll get some shots of the roots etc for you guys during transplant.


Well-Known Member
Nope, right now they are in rapid rooter grow plugs (decomposed tree bark). I will be moving them from there into some coco coir. They will spend their lives in coco.
cool, i use rapid rooters as well.. they work good for my clones, never started seeds in 'em. i'll definately stay tuned now ive seen amazing things come out of coco.but ive also heard of ph issues with coco


Well-Known Member
I just signed on to watch! Have been considering coco for a future grow. So far having good results from rockwool. Need to learn some more before I make the leap.


Well-Known Member
cool, i use rapid rooters as well.. they work good for my clones, never started seeds in 'em. i'll definately stay tuned now ive seen amazing things come out of coco.but ive also heard of ph issues with coco
I have used them to start seeds a few times before. They give me a pretty good success rate. For example I planted 50 seeds. I transplanted them yesterday and I have a total of 41 seedlings. I'd say that's a good ratio.

I bought a couple bags of Royal Gold's CoCo Basement mix and transplanted the little ones into that inside of some General Hydroponics CoCo net cups (yesterday). I checked them a little while ago and see new growth pretty much all around. So I think they took the move pretty well.

I bought another 2 foot dual bulb T5 fixture and put that in the room today along with the original T5 I started them with.

I have pics but am in a hurry to get my daughter out there for Halloween. I'll update you guys soon. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Okay, I have been out and about the last few days so I have not been able to sit down and update this thread. Anyway, so here are how things stand as of right now.

I decided to go ahead and let the seedlings stretch for a couple days. That way they were tall enough to dig up and wrap the stalks around their grow plugs. I did this to all 41 of them...took some time to say the least. I then laid the plugs on their side in their CoCo net cups. (This was the other day)

I am sure you can imagine they look a lot shorter now. I moved them up to the light so that the tops of the tallest seedlings are 6 - 8 inches from the bulbs. It appears as if they dont want to stretch as much, but they are still growing...so no signs of shock yet. ;-)

Sadly I left the tent and bedroom doors open for a couple minutes while I went and got something to drink. In the 2 minutes I was gone one of my caretakers cats had decided to investigate the hut. The little beast nearly broke the head off of one of my OG Kush babies!! :wall:

I think it will be okay though. I propped it back up so the wound is sealed. I recently had a similar mishap with a Super Silver Haze, but that one healed itself fine and is still growing like nothing happened.

Lesson learned though. I never had cats before so I didn't even think about it. :dunce:

I do have pics, but I need my caretaker to shoot them over to me. I figured I should probably just update this thread since its been gathering dust for like 3 - 4 days now.

I hope to upload pics later tonight. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
OK I finally have some pics to upload. Also, a couple of developments.

1. If you look at a couple of the pics below it appears as if a few of the seedlings are not very happy (pics #6 & #9). Kind of looks like possible salt build up issues to me, but I wanted to get other opinions.

I have not started any nutes yet, I am thinking about flushing these, giving them some molasses for a while till I start them on some diluted nutes. Thoughts, suggestions?

2. I have that not so rare and controversial conversation starting 3 leafed gene in one of my Dr. Who's. I have a couple pics but they are not the greatest. (pics #4 & #5)

Anyway, short and sweet. They look pretty happy all around for the most part...but the couple that don't appear to be doing well kind of got me down. :-(

Any help troubleshooting the problem would be greatly appreciated. Like I said though..kind of looks like salt issues to me.


Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Have you run the light yet in the tent? Something tells me you're gonna have some heat issues with that light in there - is it aircooled? In my veg tent, I have a 400 aircooled with a 6" (450CFM) fan (doubles as my exhaust fan) and a 4" for intake, and those temps still get about four or five degrees higher then ambient temp.

With a 600 (ESPECIALLY if it's not aircooled) and only 170CFM for exhaust and 105 for intake, you're almost guaranteed heat issues.


Well-Known Member
Have you run the light yet in the tent? Something tells me you're gonna have some heat issues with that light in there - is it aircooled? In my veg tent, I have a 400 aircooled with a 6" (450CFM) fan (doubles as my exhaust fan) and a 4" for intake, and those temps still get about four or five degrees higher then ambient temp.

With a 600 (ESPECIALLY if it's not aircooled) and only 170CFM for exhaust and 105 for intake, you're almost guaranteed heat issues.
No I have not ran the 600w in there yet. I plan on air cooling the light for sure. I kind of figured my air flow wasn't enough. Which is why in my OP I asked if I should go with something bigger.

I know its enough to exchange the air and all...but yeah the heat does concern me a bit. I have never grown in such a compact space so this is a bit new to me. Thats also why I stated in my first post that comments and suggestions are ALWAYS welcome.

So if you were in my case, with a 4x4 hut...what air system would you preferably set up in there? Open question, have a comment...post it!

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I have a 4x4 Sun Hut setup (for my flowering).

It's got a 1000HPS cooled by a dedicated 6" fan (425CFM).

There's another 6" fan (same model) pulling through a 6x24 Phresh filter for exhaust.

I have a 4" (170CFM) for intake.

With that setup, my temps in the tent get about 12 degrees over the room temp with just the fan cooling the light running.

When the exhaust kicks on (and all three fans are running), it stays about 6 degrees over ambient room temp.

My guess would be that with the weak fans that you're running (in addition to making your 4" inline pull through a carbon filter before cooling the light, thereby reducing its effectiveness even more), your tent will be running 10-15 degrees over the room temp (about a foot under the light).

Long story short (sorry for rambling, really high), you're gonna need bigger and better fans.


Well-Known Member
Right okay yeah I am running a 600 so I wont be AS hot, but still I see your point. Okay so what if I just got a 6 inch inline and used that for the filter/exhaust and the 4 inch for intake? Maybe try to find a way to use my 4 inch dayton to air cool? Problem is this hut is on the other side of a thin wall (where people sleep) and I want to run the light at night (for obvious reasons). So I am trying to keep things as quite as possible.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Right okay yeah I am running a 600 so I wont be AS hot, but still I see your point. Okay so what if I just got a 6 inch inline and used that for the filter/exhaust and the 4 inch for intake? Maybe try to find a way to use my 4 inch dayton to air cool? Problem is this hut is on the other side of a thin wall (where people sleep) and I want to run the light at night (for obvious reasons). So I am trying to keep things as quite as possible.
I think that the best thing that you could do would be to buy a 6" which is a dedicated light-cooling fan.

Then have your 4" centrifugal hooked up to the filter and a 4" axial for intake.

That way the tent can stay at a reasonable temp without your intake and exhaust running (because the 6" will be cooling the light), which is good is you ever wanna run CO2.

However, the 10-15 degrees over room temp were taking into account that you have a 600 - honestly, the only way to tell is to hook it up, take your plants out for a few hours, and let it run.

We can guess about temps all you want, but the only way to figure it out is some real world practice.

I've switched up both of my tents ventilation two or three times each at this point.