600w 4x4 HydroHut Silver Edition Grow With Multi Strains


Well-Known Member
I think that the best thing that you could do would be to buy a 6" which is a dedicated light-cooling fan.

Then have your 4" centrifugal hooked up to the filter and a 4" axial for intake.

That way the tent can stay at a reasonable temp without your intake and exhaust running (because the 6" will be cooling the light), which is good is you ever wanna run CO2.

However, the 10-15 degrees over room temp were taking into account that you have a 600 - honestly, the only way to tell is to hook it up, take your plants out for a few hours, and let it run.

We can guess about temps all you want, but the only way to figure it out is some real world practice.

I've switched up both of my tents ventilation two or three times each at this point.
I do want to run CO2 later on. So I think the best bet would be to go ahead and air cool the light like you are saying. I'll test out the light/fans etc in the next couple days and see what happens.

I'd rather have an idea now of what I am going to need than have to run out at last minute later. :-?

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I do want to run CO2 later on. So I think the best bet would be to go ahead and air cool the light like you are saying. I'll test out the light/fans etc in the next couple days and see what happens.

I'd rather have an idea now of what I am going to need than have to run out at last minute later. :-?
Good luck, and lemme know if you've got any questions - PM me if you'd like.


Well-Known Member
Okay I have a few options lined up for air flow later on. On another note, I got a call from my caretaker (a couple days ago) that the plants were doing something a bit funky. Leaves twisting/discoloring. I went over and sure enough a few of the plants looked like they were struggling hard. Most look pretty good though.

So I mixed up a very mild molasses solution and ph'd it down to 6.5 and flushed them all. I believe that my care taker misunderstood me when I said don't let them get too dry and has been overwatering. I guess she had run out of good water and used some tap crap at one point as well. I informed her that this is a BIG no no from now on.

Ive now told her that the plants need to dry out a bit towards the roots. That they actually NEED it in a way or the roots drown. Laymen for damping off I guess. So I after the flush I told her to leave the watering alone for a few days at least.

I got a call today and some of the ones that were having a hard time already appear to be doing a bit better. Anyway, Im going to keep this short and sweet. Pics included below. The first handful are going to be the "problem" plants, then the better pics. The last 3 are close ups of problem plant(s). Pics are from yesterday, right after I flushed them.



Well-Known Member
lookin better and better everytime.
Thanks. I must admit I have not grown in about 2 years. So I am kind of getting my sea legs back so to speak. Not only that but I am not there day in day out to check on them myself so I have to rely on what my caretaker tells me over the phone. :-(

She has pretty much NO growing experience. Which means these poor plants are dependent upon my foggy knowledge from a distance. With all of that in mind, yea I would say they are off to a decent start.

No one else has any comments, questions, or suggestions? You all have an open invitation to comment on this thread. Dont let that "Sticky" at the top scare you. I WANT your opinions. :bigjoint:


Looking forward to see how you ventilate your tent. Im waiting for my 4x4 tent to get here. It has three 4" vent holes and am clueless on how to ventilate this puppy. Im also gonna run a 600 hps ;)

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Looking forward to see how you ventilate your tent. Im waiting for my 4x4 tent to get here. It has three 4" vent holes and am clueless on how to ventilate this puppy. Im also gonna run a 600 hps ;)
Take a look at my journal - have two tents (2x4 and 4x4), and I have a link in my journal to some Youtube videos I posted explaining the setup of the tents.


Well-Known Member
Well, I have some pics but they are from like 5 days ago and the plants look way different now. Anyway, so I once again got a call from my caretaker and she told me that some of the plants were yellowing in the younger leaves.

I asked her where it was starting from and she said the base of the leaves, and not the tips. So I of course went over there to be sure...but as I suspected it looked like iron issues to me. We ran to the hydro store and grabbed the whole GH General Organics line of nutes.

I mixed up 5 gallons of about 1/3 strength (for now) and started watering..then realized I forgot to PH! :wall: So I quickly fixed that problem and flushed the ones I had already watered.

I swear I am going to make a big sign and post it on the wall behind the plants "DID YOU PH?" :roll:

Well, I got a call this morning and it sounds like the plants are already responding to their feeding. She says the yellowing has not progressed and that it looks like some have even got their color coming back. sure as shit...iron. ;-)

Also, noticed a few gnats. Picked up some Fox Farm Dont Bug Me. I know its not organic...but I am not playing around when it comes to bugs. :cuss:

I have two 4 ft dual flouro bulbs coming soon. Oh, I also ordered this today:

I think that it will come in handy.

Also, I have decided to go ahead and build a drip/waste system. I already have everything I need. I just have to go back over when I get a free moment and slap it all together.

I am getting to the point where some plants are just out doing others, so I will be throwing a few out by this coming Friday. Gotta make room for the ones that want to thrive ya know?

I'll try to up some pics soon. As always comments and suggestions are more than welcome.


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I went over and started to build the drip system yesterday. I have never assembled anything like this, but it wasn't rocket science. The plants are now in a 3x3 ft tray. I built the lines outside of the tray (around the outer lip) to save room. They tray is sitting on 2 18 gallon rubbermaid tubs.

I plan getting another pump for the drain tub. That way when its full I can just slide it out some, turn on the pump and run a hose to the tub (im organic so I wont be hurting anything.) The bathroom is literally right next door to the room the hut is in. No lugging that heavy ass tub. :blsmoke:

I forget which size pump I got for the res, but its pretty strong. I may actually have to downgrade. Although, I dont have any drip emitters on the ends yet so idk. I'll look up the size of the pump and let you guys know. I just dont want to have too much back pressure on the pump. Any advice on this subject is greatly appreciated.

The pics are from yesterday. As you can see the yellow in some of the plants is pushing its way out of the leaves. I was talking to my care taker today and she says that you can barely tell it ever happened in most of them now.

I have thrown out a total of 3 plants, leaving 38 so far. I'll get a strain count soon. I know for a fact I am pretty much going to have to cut them down to 25 @ some point...but I am letting them grow for now so I can pick and choose the strongest plants.

Anyway, I also realized I no longer have my 600w light! I only have my 400. :cry: I left it up north when i moved to So cal. However, my reflector is compatible with all ballasts from the same maker. Does this mean I can just get a new 600w bulb/ballast and be fine? The hood is pretty large and I am going to go with an HPS, so the bulb should fit yes?

Here is the reflector I have:

Oh, instead of 2 dual bulb T8's, I have 2 dual bulb T 12's coming (for veg). I think they will like that a bit better than the T8's. I have actually had them under 24/7 light all this time. I think I may continue to do so until flower since I am running flouros. I am actually surprised at how well the flouros are doing.

Ok, I think thats about it for now. If my math is correct, plants are 21 days old today. First pics are of the yellowing I mentioned, you will see what I mean by its pushing out. It had literally all been towards the petiole of the leaves.

Let me know what you guys think, as always I want feed back...good or bad.

Alright, time to go watch a movie with the wife. You guys have a great night.




Well-Known Member
Alright, I haven't done anything to the plants since my last update. Soil is taking a little longer than it should to dry out :cuss:

Two, I have some leaves that look like they want to "taco."

Third, some of the leaves are starting to get a glossy look to them. Some plants have a combo of these issues. I am going to upload the problem plants first.

The yellowing doesn't seem to be getting any worse though, so that's always good. Anyway, not much else to say. I can't wait to get this dialed in right. :wall:

1st pic: Glossy/cupping "taco" effect

2nd pic: Has the yellowing but its getting better everyday. My concern is the lower first (oldest) set of 3 leaves are starting to curl as well.

3rd pic: The new growth is looking glossy and the ridges between veins seem a bit raised etc to me. Possible build up of some sort?

The other pics will give you an idea of what the rest of the garden is doing. Also, I need to transplant very soon. Starting to get a good amount of roots growing through the net cups. Will be moving into 1 gallon grow bags I think.

Pics are from yesterday.



Well-Known Member
looking good man! :)
Why thank you Gnome.

Alright, time for an update. I had some issues arise from my last feeding. I went 1/3 strength when I should have gone 1/4. So a a few plants freaked out and curled/burned like mad. The majority took it pretty well though.

Oh...I owe Jats a shout out. I posted another thread showing the problems the plants were having. She mentioned that it looked PH related. I didn't think so, but I went and bought a PH pen and tested the run off. Sure as hell, the PH was @ 7.8! :shock:

So, I mixed up a batch of FloraKleen (to help with the over fert issue) & PH'd it down to about 5.5. Tested run off and it was @ 6.5. Lesson learned.

Anyway, plants are indeed on the rebound. You will see in the pics below what I am talking about. Lots of curling under on themselves etc. ICK. Hey, just lets me know which ones were more established I guess. I'm just glad it didn't actually kill any of them. The GH General Organics line is pretty new..so I wasn't sure exactly how strong it was. Now I know.

Word of advice, treat month old plants as if they were rooted cuttings when you look @ the "GO" lines feeding chart.

I recently let the plants dry for a little over a week I think. They had been too wet for too long. I watered last night with a just under 1/4 strength solution until there was run off. PH was @ 6.2 (wasn't going to get too picky on that).

I ordered my 600w ballast yesterday, along with some reducters (6 to 4 inch) for venting. Everytime I go in there they only have 1! Tired of that, temps are starting to stay around 80 degrees with the new bigger flouros in the hut. Mr. Bob Smith is dead right..I need larger fans.

So I also ordered a 6" inine while I was there Bob. :joint: Which is why I need the reducters, my reflector is a 4" air cooled (Sunlight Supply Yeild Master).

Okay lengthy post and I still have pics to upload and then run out the door...errands.

I'll catch you guys soon. bongsmilie

BTW, yes I am aware some have some wind burn too (poor plants). That's why I NEED to get my venting set up properly now.



Well-Known Member
OK back home now. Forgot to mention that the FloraKleen did its job pretty well. It flushed so much out that the plants paled on me. They are getting color back though (should be even better now they have had a light feeding). I had one of the green teas turn pretty much yellow with a green hue. I transplanted all of them into one gallon grow bags as you can see from pics. Still 38 plants for now. I actually went out and got another single row tray to make them all fit. I have also added the 4 ft dual bulb t8's.

Pics above were taken right after watering, so their leaves are a bit droopy. They have perked up nice now from what I am told.

Whats funny though, is I have always read/heard that Super Silver Haze can be picky and is easy to burn. They seem to be the ones that actually took the over feeding the best. My Purple K's actually burned pretty bad, as well as some of the Green Tea's. Also, one of the Doctor Who's is getting purple in its new growth. I'll try to get pics of that next time.

Still seeing a few fungas gnats, picked up some neem oil and will do a soil drench after the plants dry out again. Drip system was dismantled for the most part. I need to rebuild it to accomodate for the new single row tray. I figure they are still small enough to top feed by hand. No real sense in going all out until I have my fans etc all good to go anyway. Thats just my opinion though.

On another note, I have been thinking about going with a SCROG setup since I am cramming as many plants as I can into the space I have. I've never grown in a SCROG setup before. So there are all kinds of firsts for me with this grow. First time in such close quarters, first time with so many different strains, first time in actual soil (coco ammended, used to grow in 100% coco), first time with the GH "GO" line of nutes...so on and so forth.

Alright, just some jumbled last thoughts/plans that I didnt think to jot down since I was in a rush to get out the door.

I just got back from the collective, picked up some "Blue Crack." I guess its Blue Dream x Green Crack. Stuff smells awesome. Going to go check it out. Little late to be puffing a Sativa...but I just can't resist.

Over and out for now.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Statik, glad you seem to be on the road to getting your ventilation dialed in - it's a massively important aspect of any op.

Also, thanks for confirming what I'd thought - had the same problem as you on some of my plants (Post #33, pic #2) with the yellowing like that, and I'd assumed it was a pH issue which was causing an iron deficiency (so I lowered my pH pretty good), and it's nice to see that I was correct and it should be fixing itself shortly.

Started 12/12 yesterday so trying to keep them as healthy as possible.

Again, thanks, because that was bugging the shit outta me.


Well-Known Member
Statik, glad you seem to be on the road to getting your ventilation dialed in - it's a massively important aspect of any op.

Also, thanks for confirming what I'd thought - had the same problem as you on some of my plants (Post #33, pic #2) with the yellowing like that, and I'd assumed it was a pH issue which was causing an iron deficiency (so I lowered my pH pretty good), and it's nice to see that I was correct and it should be fixing itself shortly.

Started 12/12 yesterday so trying to keep them as healthy as possible.

Again, thanks, because that was bugging the shit outta me.
Yeah, what told me it was iron was the fact the yellowing started from the petiole of the leaf and was progressing out. I figured it had to be PH nute lock out, cause the soil I am in is amended to hell with all kinds of manure's and guano's.

If it was an ph/iron issue in your case (most likely is), you should start to notice the yellowing being pushed out by new chlorophyll soon.

Sadly I got a bit over zealous with their first feeding and burned a handful of them pretty bad. New line of nutes...I had to know what I could get away with I guess. All lived, but a good number were indeed stunted.

Was on the phone with my caretaker earlier today. She tells me that they just look as happy as can be right now. Color is starting to darken more, getting some good lower branches now too.

Anyway, I don't think I have ever mentioned it on here before... But I actually make my living through Internet Affiliate Marketing. No I am not going to drop any links and Spam these boards LMAO..thats what Craigslist is for.

However, I was looking at my hydro shop guys website and keyword competition for a certain high traffic search term. Told them about it and struck up a deal. Help them get good rankings in the search engines and I get a nice (permanent) discount. Hell, I get in good with them I might start working there. I am there twice a week as it is now anyway... :weed:


Well-Known Member
dude can u do me a fav. and take some pics of ur lights/fans and how u mounted them /where u ran the flex lines!...i just got a 4x4 hut and dont know how the fuck to set it up..lol...seems like i might need more ceiling supports to hand fans and what not...i dunno..thanks man!

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
dude can u do me a fav. and take some pics of ur lights/fans and how u mounted them /where u ran the flex lines!...i just got a 4x4 hut and dont know how the fuck to set it up..lol...seems like i might need more ceiling supports to hand fans and what not...i dunno..thanks man!
Not to step on Statik's toes here, but I think that the videos I put on Youtube would probably help you out pretty good.

Just do a search for "SOGBobSmith", and seven videos will pop up.

Good luck.