600W Aurora Indica Scrog

Cheers for stopping in BN :bigjoint:
I did top them once, but next time I'll top them twice while they are still under the cfl's. I think it fills the screen faster.

Had a couple of issues with the drippers, causing my medium ph to go way high 6.9 in one of the plants :( The others stayed at about 6.45)
The fix: I recirculated my otherwise 'run to waste' res. for about 2 hours adjusting the res ph as needed in order to bring it back in balance. I also cut my drip rings so they are a lot less restrictive at this point. I also dropped my res. ph to about 5.3 in order to keep the medium ph a bit more in range. It is perfectly normal for the ph to rise in the medium, it is an indication that they are eating :) My problem was not enough 'run-off' in order to balance the medium.

On the bright side the plants have not missed a beat :lol: The Purple Kush (my onlooker) has started to make buds :) and my four AI have pistils now :)
I have not trained them under the screen the last 2 days but I may do it one more time depending on how the canopy develops the next day or two.

So what do you guys think?



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im not sure if u need to train under n over much anymore... if there showin pistols there slowing down now... its ok if there 6-8" above the screen, longer n fatter buds, plus u have a 600w lamp, ur all good man...
im not sure if u need to train under n over much anymore... if there showin pistols there slowing down now... its ok if there 6-8" above the screen, longer n fatter buds, plus u have a 600w lamp, ur all good man...

Cheers BN, I put them under one last time this morning. It was a bloody torture session, but it went well. My bud is growing the same strain and he had a strong stretch for about 3 weeks, I'm at two weeks right now, so I think this should do it.
I have seen too many scrogs (especially on this site) that went extremely 'leggy' due to abandoning training throughout the flower stretch. That is not what a scrog is all about, we aim for an even canopy resulting in no shading of bud sites.
What do you think BN, I've seen you on some other scrog threads as well?

i been all up n down scrog threads bro, i love this method of growing, its jaw dropping 2 c tops of buds scatterd but yet so neatly done... ur doin great, jus i've seen scrogs wit 2'' tops, 4'' & 8'' & 14'' n let me tell u, seeing 14'' buds waiving at u is a blessing of its own...
I hear you mate, I like the sight of monster colas too :) I'll have to see how these Auroras behave, I was hopping somebody growing this strain would chime in, but so far no luck.

I switched my drip manifold yesterday, or I should say I ditched it :(. The thing was very inconsistent. It created a bottle neck in the feed line, resulting in poor pressure at the drips.
Hey man, good looking grow. I just noticed the scrog, and wanted to check it out. The plants are lookin real healthy! I know what you said about people not training them long enough, I've seen that several times on this site. People stop training before flowering even, and then having a forest above the net. They don't get that thats not the point of a scrog. lol, any ways yours looks great. Have you seen https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/102501-400-hps-scrog-flowering-post1608382.html#post1608382 he's already harvested, but it was a great scrog grow. I also really enjoyed this, https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/90011-4x4-600w-scrog-3rd-wk.html , you may have seen them already, but ijust thought I wouls share some reading I enjoyed on scroging. I've been planning a scrog for my next grow, it's in the works, but itwill be on hold till New Years. Any way, I'm on board for the ride, they're lookin good. peace
Hey man, good looking grow. I just noticed the scrog, and wanted to check it out. The plants are lookin real healthy! I know what you said about people not training them long enough, I've seen that several times on this site. People stop training before flowering even, and then having a forest above the net. They don't get that thats not the point of a scrog. lol, any ways yours looks great. Have you seen https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/102501-400-hps-scrog-flowering-post1608382.html#post1608382 he's already harvested, but it was a great scrog grow. I also really enjoyed this, https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/90011-4x4-600w-scrog-3rd-wk.html , you may have seen them already, but ijust thought I wouls share some reading I enjoyed on scroging. I've been planning a scrog for my next grow, it's in the works, but itwill be on hold till New Years. Any way, I'm on board for the ride, they're lookin good. peace

Cheers TC for stopping in :) I'm getting kind a lonely here,lol.
Nice scrog threads, thanks for that! :-P
I'm still trying to dial in my drip set up, I f'n hate it. People warned me regarding the drippers getting clogged, but my 'super smart' self thought otherwise. Either way, I think I'm almost there.
You are welcome for the ride, ought to get fun in a few more weeks:bigjoint:

Ya thats what I've heard about the dippers too, but living is learning right! I'm just gonna be going with good old soil. I'll set up to a hydro or prolly aero grow system one day, but not until I have someplace I am comfortable with the security, and can have a dedicated grow room.
2 days since last training session. At this point I'm just doing minor positioning of the shoots, no more radical stuff. The undergrowth looks 'funky' as is being removed as needed. Canopy up top looks good.
I went trough quite a bit of watering due to my dripper problems, witch hopefully have been sorted out at this point.

My EC is 1.55
RH is kept at 40%
Chiller is off due to low ambient temps :)
Temps are kept at 80 lights on and 65-70 lights off
co2 is keept at 1500ppm


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Here are some pics from the clone that I used to determine sex of the Auroras. Never really took care of it, plus she was flowered barely rooted and once sex was determined I put her outside without ever putting her into soil etc. I think she is a good sign of what is to come :)



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BN and TC, thanks for your kind words:)

Some pics from today:

The Purple Kush is marching along, it may be thinking that it can overtake my scrog:fire:, but I will not be able to let that happen,lol. But its performance wants me to scrog them next time!:)

I'll do a little time line to date next, that way people can see the progression in a scrog.



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First Pic:11/14
second: 11/16 They were fliped 12/12 on 11/17
third: 11/19
fourth: 11/20
fifth: 11/23
sixth: 11/27
seventh: 12/01


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