600W C99 Organic Scrog


Well-Known Member
They seem to speeding up. Probably because they are growing into the Roots Organic soil now. I looked at pictures from today and compared them to yesterday and there was good growth on both plants. My thing is just how small the leaves are. They have 2'x4' of scrog screen to fill up and I dont want to be vegging for 2 years lol..


Well-Known Member
The seedling look realy good but, I think you should remove the straw, as the plant grows, it will crush the main stem and could cause a lot of problems
Thanks! Ya I removed them last night. They were cut so they would have just fallen off when the stem thickens up but they dont need them anymore. They stand up just fine by themselves now.


Well-Known Member
the duct hose in this picture, "2434950d1352658042-600w-c99-organic-scrog-2012-11-09-15.40.05.jpg"

why so many 90 degree angles? every time you angle it that direction it decreases air flow by large amount, but maybe you know that already and don't care :D


Well-Known Member
the duct hose in this picture, "2434950d1352658042-600w-c99-organic-scrog-2012-11-09-15.40.05.jpg"

why so many 90 degree angles? every time you angle it that direction it decreases air flow by large amount, but maybe you know that already and don't care :D
Honestly if I could have done it any other way I would have. I think it looks ugly lol but it works. After 12 hours the glass never gets hot and the temps stay around 3 to 4 degrees above ambient. I keep my house at 73 so it stays about 77. That's with the fan on medium. I was worried during the test. Plus when the hps is in use it won't be that high so some of those bends will be straightened out.
Thanks! Ya I removed them last night. They were cut so they would have just fallen off when the stem thickens up but they dont need them anymore. They stand up just fine by themselves now.
I have seen a lot of growers, do stupid things, so I point it out just in case

most my grows have been in soil, lot of them organic soil,
if you need any help just ask,


Well-Known Member
I have seen a lot of growers, do stupid things, so I point it out just in case

most my grows have been in soil, lot of them organic soil,
if you need any help just ask,
This is only my second grow.. About 5 years of research and forum stalking but still I'm a newb experience wise so feel free to point anything out:) Have you ever used General Organics line of nutrients? Thats about the only thing I'm not confident about. Last grow was with Fox Farm nutes and I know they arent really organic so this will be new to me. Everything went awesome other than a CalMag problem and a ph problem early on.. Anyways thanks for watching!!
This is only my second grow.. About 5 years of research and forum stalking but still I'm a newb experience wise so feel free to point anything out:) Have you ever used General Organics line of nutrients? Thats about the only thing I'm not confident about. Last grow was with Fox Farm nutes and I know they arent really organic so this will be new to me. Everything went awesome other than a CalMag problem and a ph problem early on.. Anyways thanks for watching!!
I use bio bizz grow, bloom and epson salt

in flower, adding grow and bloom in evey water brings my ph round 6.5 and ec 1.5 so more luck than skill
I have used fox farm chan ching and its realy good but not organic

evey week, I add 1/2 teaspone of epson salts to the water/nutes


Well-Known Member
Will water tonight after the lights come back on. Contemplating 5ml of Bio Root(1-1-1), 2.5ml of Bio Weed(0.2-0-0.3), and 5ml of Black Diamond(humic acid) in 1 gallon of water per plant. Mostly just soil ammendments.
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I would not add any nutes, If you have good tape water, just use that, if you have a ph pen, check the ph,
no nutes should be used for the first couple of weeks in veg

when the plant is about 4-5" tall and the leaves turn pale green, its time to start adding a small amout of grow nutes,


Well-Known Member
The grow is Bio Thrive Grow(4-3-3). I wasnt going to add that till they start showing nitrogen deficiency. The ones I mentioned are just to improve the vitality of the soil and dont have much nitrogen in them. Mostly for root and stem development. My tap water has chloramine in it so I cant use it
or it will kill my soil. I use distilled. Maybe ill just use the Bio Root seeing that it is for early growth.
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That is the schedule that works great for most people with no complaints.
my tap water has got chloramine in, just let it stand in a bucket for 24 hours and its all gone ;-)

if you want to add nutes to help the soil, go for it


Well-Known Member
choromine ,hmm never heard of that.maybe you should go down to the shop and buy a few big drums of mineral water,its really cheap.


Well-Known Member
Ya its a longer lasting form of chlorine that can't be removed by sitting out. If you Google your areas tap water you can see if they treat with it.. They do here where I live in Texas.. It will kill living organisms in soil or fishtanks.. I get distilled for 69¢ here so water isn't a problem:)


Well-Known Member
I'm no organic pro so who knows.. I'm just following the forums advise and not using it. Trying to keep my soil as alive as possible. Maybe your water doesn't have it.