600W C99 Organic Scrog


Well-Known Member
so kill the lights at 49 days....for the benefit... and I hope you did Dede right for that cake bro...and really slam it to her on today Lover'sw Day as well...melady went to work walking funny and is in trouble when she returns...lol
Honestly I really wanted to just harvest normally but I leave for work on day 50 so I wouldn't be able to harvest till day 57. The point of the 72hr dark period would only be to postpone the chop till I got home and even then I'd be running them till 54 days which shouldn't be too much of an issue. I don't even know if turning the lights off would keep them from maturing past the desired point. I kinda want to be here to determine when to start curing them in jars. Hindsight being 20/20 I should have planned the flip to coincide with me being home on day 52 instead of the stretch. Oh well.. Just trying to get all of this planned out so I have an idea of what I'm gonna do when the time comes. I'm an over thinker lol..


Well-Known Member
I was just curious what our thoughts were, I've never really tried to get my harvest down to one specific day before. With so many of us running these same C99 genetics right now it will be interesting to see how each one turns out.
The breeder has said to harvest between the 7-8 week mark and not to go over 8 for sure. 52 days is 7.5 weeks. Someone on here said they let some go 60 and the high wasn't the same as their earlier harvested buds.. Another c99 thread I read said the trichomes were deceiving with their c99. I do know what you mean as far as an exact day though.. The left plant is further along in the flowering process so pulling them at the exact same day will result in different highs if the high changes the longer it matures. I wish this was more by the book but then it probably wouldn't be so interesting:).


Well-Known Member
It will probably change again before d day but I'm thinking I might just say fuck it and have Dede hang them up without trimming( just pulling fan leaves) on day 54 and I'll be home on day 57. Trimming will be a pain but I got plenty of time and I'll be here for more of the initial curing when RH is something that needs to be closely monitored. Better yet maybe I'll win the lottery before then so I can be here for the whole thing:)

Kite High

Well-Known Member
The breeder has said to harvest between the 7-8 week mark and not to go over 8 for sure. 52 days is 7.5 weeks. Someone on here said they let some go 60 and the high wasn't the same as their earlier harvested buds.. Another c99 thread I read said the trichomes were deceiving with their c99. I do know what you mean as far as an exact day though.. The left plant is further along in the flowering process so pulling them at the exact same day will result in different highs if the high changes the longer it matures. I wish this was more by the book but then it probably wouldn't be so interesting:).
Twas I that said that...lol...if you want trippy dont pass 52...I already proved it to myself...but please do as you wish and let us know the outcome but so do at least one at 52 so you can compare... I am confident you will see what I mean

it is that the trichomes if you wait til cloudy or amber as most do it will be good but not the signature c99 high


Well-Known Member
OK let me ask you this.. If I dry them without trimming and let's say I can keep my humidity at a steady 50%-55% how long do you estimate it will take before they are ready to jar? If Dede chops at 52 I wont be home for 5 days is why I'm asking. That's why I was saying 54 cause that's only 3 days just in case they dry fast. I don't know what I would do without you guys!!

Kite High

Well-Known Member
bump it up to 60% rh and temps at 70F and it will be ready when you return or after...have her do the one you say is further along at 52 and the other when you return to compare?

you're welcome bro..tis what is is all about right?


Well-Known Member
Screwed up my nutes this morning.. Mixed tblsp instead of tsp lol.. Didnt water with it but damnt now I gotta go get more lol.. Anyway to battle my yellowing I'm going to mix up 5ml Grow(4-3-3) and 5ml of Bloom(2-4-4) instead of the 10ml of Bloom the box calls for. So 6-7-7 instead of 4-8-8. Sound ok?

2013-02-15 13.37.32.jpg
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Not much stretch worth recording but trichs are starting to pick up..
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Kite High

Well-Known Member
Screwed up my nutes this morning.. Mixed tblsp instead of tsp lol.. Didnt water with it but damnt now I gotta go get more lol.. Anyway to battle my yellowing I'm going to mix up 5ml Grow(4-3-3) and 5ml of Bloom(2-4-4) instead of the 10ml of Bloom the box calls for. So 6-7-7 instead of 4-8-8. Sound ok?

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Not much stretch worth recording but trichs are starting to pick up..
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use the grow with only a smidgen of bloom or no bloom at all...do not need all the P in container planting at all...not even in flower


Well-Known Member
Okay so last night I nuted them which would make it 4 days since their last distilled water feeding. Instead of the recommended 10ml of Bloom I added 7.5ml of Grow and 5ml of Bloom to help with the N deficiency mostly in the left plant but I had a little in the right one as well. The left one is also the one that started yellowing on me very early in its life until I transplanted to its Roots Organic soil. In case people aren't familiar with the Go Box I also added 2.5ml of Bio Bud bloom booster(0.5-0.1-1), 10ml of Bio Marine cold processed squid(2-3-1), and 5ml of CaMg+...

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What my temps and RH are looking like..
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3.5'' = +.5''/72hrs
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4.25'' = +1''/72hrs
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Well-Known Member
Last update of the week..
2013-02-17 12.12.56.jpg
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3.75'' = +.75''/96hrs
2013-02-17 12.14.47.jpg5 days of growth2013-02-12 14.18.41.jpg

2013-02-17 12.13.55.jpg5 days of growth2013-02-12 14.19.02.jpg

2013-02-17 12.14.23.jpg

4.75'' = +1.5''/96hrs
2013-02-17 12.15.03.jpg5 days of growth2013-02-12 14.18.50.jpg

2013-02-17 12.13.43.jpg5 days of growth2013-02-12 14.19.29.jpg

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