600w CHIESEL Coco Cab 1lb 1 plant stealth scrog


Well-Known Member

Question: Is there any need to supercrop when doing SCROG?

If space is not an issue, is there any real reason to do a scrog? Meaning like if you had 3 full bedrooms to use and 36 plants.
i mean you can do anythign you want with a plant but i see no real need to superscrop if your already scroggin
and shit if you have all that space scroggin would help you maintain a level canopy and really use every sq ft and probably increase yield

but personally if i had a whole room to use i would go with Heath Robinson approach. search him
i'd take three plants surrounded by three hanging 600w bulbs spaced in a triangle so each plant has two on it at all times
have those bitches dwc.
i seen dude get multiple pounds off each plant that way
shit aint no joke

check this link out this dude is the shit!


Well-Known Member
one more week veg
here's today


also id like to throw in a video everyone should watch
take some time to educate yourselves on the world wide revolution that is happening RIGHT NOW
people, the revolution will not be televised
so has anyone heard of occupy wall street or the other hundred something protests
that have been going on nation wide for a month now???


Well-Known Member
Your plant's looking pretty damn big and healthy man, well played! Gona be a serious bush once stretch is over, make sure u put in the necessary work to train her during this period, dont get lazy now. I see a huge plant for you in the future and a healthy harvest! KEep it up


Well-Known Member
quick update

do these clones look ok?
not sure if the wilting and slight yellowing is normal i never cloned before


and i really wanna know
does anyone have a little bitch ass manager that didnt get spanked enough as a kid?
bc i do and he treats me like shit when i bust my ass for 10 hours straight physical labor
and he stands at a fucking computer all day LIKE A BITCH


Well-Known Member
i been noticing an increase all of a sudden in the past week of claw leaves
mainly all on the new leaves coming out of the tops but alot on the second set of leaves from the top as well.


from what ive read this is could be due to ph fluctuation or nutrient lockout

well i keep my ph pretty much 6.0 everytime i really dont think thats it
as for lockout i did not pretreat my B'CUZZ coco bc the guy at the hydro store told me
that it is pretty well prepared to use right out of the bag

i also have used no calmag
all i did was mix like 5mg of epsom salt in with a gal of ph water
that was like a month ago
but the hydro store guy said to stay away from epsom salts as they are very risky and too
much and ur plants are done

ANY ADVICE would be soooo helpful guys idk what to do
and shes going into flower in 3 days!!!!
I want her to be as healthy as possible

this is the first problem ive had so far.

if its good advice +rep for sure


Well-Known Member
Seems like I'm the only one here on a friday night to answer your questions! Can't really do much else with 2 fractures! Anyway, i had this clawing happen on my SLH, only affected the leaves on the very top of the plant. Happened to mine in the 3rd week of flowering, the leaves themselves never recovered i dont think, but it really didn't do my plant that much harm as i caught it quite early. I flushed straight away and found that although the leaves never returned to their normal shape, it stopped spreading/getting worse. I concluded it happened to me as i over-fed. I'd suggest that u flush thoroughly right away, with x3 the amount of water, and then maybe give her a 1/4 strength feeding to ensure she's not deprived for the next couple days, then slowly build the nutes back up over the next couple weeks depending on how regularly u water her. Also ensure u continue feeding veg nutes through the first week - 2 weeks of flower, slowly reducing the amount each time. This will help keep ur leaves greener for longer through flowering.

Just had another look at ur pics and it looks exactly like mine, you've caught it really early, earlier than i caught mine! People say to do a flush before you go into flower regardless of the state of your plant.



Well-Known Member
so i flushed two days ago with like 6 gal of water.
last two were ph adjusted and last 1 was like 1/2 - 1/4 strength nutes
woke up just now to my plant looking seriously sad as fuck
it was 95F in there and dry so im assuming the hps is much hotter than the mh???
shes not looking very perky and in the very middle there is the first discoloration i've seen

its just brown on a few tops out of NOWHERE
how did this happen so fast it was fine last night


i need to feed here in a few and idk what to give her
i have some MagiCal laying around, which is magnesium calcium, is this calcium def???
is it light burn?? its just right in the middle of the canopy

i woke up all tired like wtf is happening?!?!


Active Member
Yeah man really looks like heat stress. When i've burnt plants before it's not even leaf damage, you see like wofts and running tracts of burnt and sometimes the rest of the leaf looking fine. The sagging look though and that blotch and the fact that you reached 95f all say you got a massive heat problem. Even if the plant doesn't burn as such, being anywhere near that hot seriously kills production of bud and resin. Maybe you need an air con in the room or upgrade your ventilation in the tent.
You might already know this but aim for about 77f because that is apparently the plants most productive temp. Don't go above 86f to keep it healthy and once you reach the 93.2f (converting from 24c, thats why its a odd number) the text books will tell you that the plant will "stop growing".


Well-Known Member
shit so i been seein more and more claw leaves and I know they dont turn back to normal
but im tryin to figure out this deficiency
i cut the micro (N) down to like 2mg per gal
and the bloom is down to like 6-7mg per gal
i hope it evens out
i also water in between feedings

Any advice on what this dicoloration came from?
It happened right after flush on first day of flower
right in the middle of the canopy on only like 4 leaves that u see
hasnt spread anywhere else since

Also cut some new clones the other ones were fucked up looking
got a humidity dome that works well
what u guys think

also whats the rule for trimming under the canopy after flowering is started


Active Member
Ok that really doesn't look like a deficiency, if it's a nutrient thing it's burn- but I don't think it's a nute OD if you been following the directions on the bottle and because you flushed and it got worse.

I think it's most likely heat stress. How long does your temperature get above 93f? Another question, where is your thermometer? Is it possible that there are spots in the room that are even hotter than where the temp gauge is?


Well-Known Member
Ok that really doesn't look like a deficiency, if it's a nutrient thing it's burn- but I don't think it's a nute OD if you been following the directions on the bottle and because you flushed and it got worse.

I think it's most likely heat stress. How long does your temperature get above 93f? Another question, where is your thermometer? Is it possible that there are spots in the room that are even hotter than where the temp gauge is?
yea dont think its heat stress bc my temps stay at lik3 80-84F while light is on and hum. stays at 40-45%
and im not going by the bottle
im running lucas formula which is much less than recommended by the bottle