600W DWC Cabinet System - 1st Run


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ph chase all day and night. 2 tsp - ish baking soda total, 50ml cal/mag total. the dive has slowed down, hopefully it won't be 5.3 again in the morning.

began work on drying cabinet to match the others, to be built from a lateral file cabinet. Just need to cut the drawers up some and will post pics. basic concept is for fresh air to flow through the drying chamber, through chamber one, and through the exhaust filter. the can filter will scrub both the drying and flower chambers.

ph 5.8, 2160 ppm, 65f res
68 room, chamber one 74, chamber two 70
room humid 50%


Active Member
Spoke with AN support about the ph chase today. They primarily said that it's the fault of my GH ph up solution, and to use the AN brand instead.


Hopefully more useful information suggested: use 3 parts RO to 1 part hard tap water rather than using cal/mag to create a buffer. He wants water to be 70 - 100ppm before adding any nutes.

He also said specifically that advancednutrients.com will ship the ph perfect line of nutes to the USA, which certainly looks to be BS. Ph perfect doesn't even show up in the products list if you click that you're in the USA.


Active Member

diluted down with part tap / part RO as above.
50ml cal/mag

subtracting another hour of light from chamber one. Now at 10 hours on / 14 off. Sundown is at 3am now.
also note, AN support rep mentioned ph for sensi in coco should be 5.8 - 6.0.

ph 5.9, 1470 ppm, 63f res
69 room, 76 chamber one, 70 chamber two


Active Member
ph nicely pegged around 5.9 now. ppm slowly dropping, so getting the sauce ppm down under the current "equilibrium point" (for lack of a correct term) and getting the buffer right seems to have done the trick.


Active Member

Continuing to drop ppm by adding back 2 parts RO and 1 part tap.

ph 6.0, 1210 ppm, 63f res
68 room, 74 chamber one, 71 chamber two
room humid 51%


Active Member

took a couple of buds from below the screen, little tiny ones. they manicured up surprisingly well. will give them a couple days and see what's what.

momma BD gone to a good home. chamber two now ready to give our next OG plants a good couple weeks of flouro veg.

ph 6.0,1150 ppm, 63f res
72 room, 79 chamber one, 76 chamber two
room humid 47%


Active Member
I do not smoke, strictly vaporize only. Still giving these a few days before trying them out. I cut a few tinies more to see how they are going to shrink up and dry rather than how they smoke. Hoping to have my drying cab finished by tomorrow so will clip something a little more substantial to try that out.


Active Member

drain and refill with 3 part RO to one part tap.
add 110ml AN Final Phase

chunks floating in my final phase bottle, hope that's alright. looks like it's got shit growing in it!

gladly ignoring PH from here out since i doubt it matters much during the flush.

ph 6.4, 350 ppm, 65f res
71 room, 79 chamber one, 74 chamber two
room humid 54%
chamber one humid @ 33%


Active Member

add back around a gallon with 8ml final phase. everything looking fantastic. frosty goodness is rampant.

next crop will be all OG. clones doing well, placed into 5" net pots today in anticipation of them hitting the sauce in about 2 weeks.

ph who cares (6.7), 0390 ppm, 64f res
72 room, 80 chamber one, 73 chamber two


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Stuck a few little dribbles in the vape after about 4 days laying out in a plastic tray. Took awhile to get going, but hell yeah .. my blue dream tastes pretty damn good.


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nothing to do but watch my girls eat themselves. cool pics under regular light taken today, will post later.

ph 6.9, 0390 ppm, 64f res
room 72, chamber one 79, 74 chamber two


Active Member

more of the same

ph 7.0, 0410 ppm, 65f res
room 67, chamber one 75, chamber two 68
room humid 65%


Active Member

flushed, add back 10gal RO with 80ml final phase.

the drying cabinet is complete. pics asap.

ph 6.8, 0190 ppm, 62f res
room 68, chamber one 75, chamber two 72


Active Member
Go with the Arizer V-Tower. Can't speak highly enough of it. Made in Canada (just say NO to china vapes), no plastic nasty taste from the hose, everything A+ with a lifetime warranty and cheap spare parts. Beats the hell ouf of the volcano too.

Couple of HPS-off pics from yesterday. Lookin good!


Here's the drying cabinet. "Hmm, did I file that under I for Indica? or O for Ooooh hell yeah?"
Just a lateral file with the bottom jigsawed out of the top drawer. Strips of plastic mesh, same as the scrog screen, stretched across in stratiegic places and secured with duck tape, same as the screen. Larger buds can hang down into the lower drawer and (hopefully) I will still be able to get my hands around everywhere. Mechanism to lock one drawer in place at all times defeated. Two steel pins can be pulled in or out to link the two drawers into pulling out at the same time. Cabinet will be under a desk so no worries about tipping forward.
Two 6" vent holes in the rear will put this into the airflow before cabinet one. Air moves into here, circulates (may install some small PC fans inside), then out to the intake of chamber one to be exhausted through the charcoal filter. We'll see how this works out.
The lock works great too, and it matches the rest of the lab perfectly. With everything closed up there is simply no clue whatsoever as to what's going on inside.


and a couple to show scale.



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chopped a stalk of blue dream, one of the smaller, pale ones that was squished up against the door when closed. it's in the dryer to sorta test things out.

no readings today. renovating instrument panel and chamber one air intake.