600W DWC Cabinet System - 1st Run


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Declaring the PH drop issue solved with the flush. Rock solid at 5.6 for going on 24 hours now.


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PH up from 5.3 to 5.7
(post above is 8 hours post-this.. dropped back to 5.3 .. WTF?!)

Growth still great, yellow is better, no signs of any other problems besides this damn ph drop. Roots great, no sign whatsoever of any funk in the tank. I am stumped.

Need to get the tank self-sufficient for a few days, 3 or 4 if possible. This PH drop is not cooperating with this idea. Got to get a handle on this somehow.

ph 5.7, 1130 ppm, 67 res
room 68, chamber one 79, chamber two 78
room humid 67%


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per this article, I'm going to begin approaching this PH drop as a ph buffering issue.

NOTE: this is a VERY cool article, again this should be required reading. Everything you need to know about hydroponic water chemistry, at least at a basic level like I'm at.

Will add baking soda at lights up, and I will keep using baking soda to adjust PH up as needed until we get a handle on this ph drop thing. This is assuming everything goes fine and we see some kind of improvement.

The crux of the biscuit as pertains to this line of thinking is that the sauce i'm using is not buffering PH as it should. This could be due to RO water, but as the problem started when I started the bloom nutrients, before I switched to RO, I'm quicker to put the blame there. Next run we try different nutes and see if the same thing happens again. If no joy on any other solution I might switch nutes immediately. However, root cause of all of this I reall think is too many plants in the tank growing too quickly at once.

sodium bicarbonate should raise PH and increase the buffering ability of the sauce, allowing it to deal with the additional acid that is probably coming from the flowering growth spurt. Too many plants in the res may well be the cause of this, and now that, like GI fucking Joe, I know, I'll only put 2 plants in this 13 gallon-ish res. 4 is just too much for this res. Plants grow fast, dump acid into the res as a byproduct, and we just don't have enough water volume to make this any less than an instant problem.



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it took 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to raise PH from 5.2 to 5.6. This also raised PPM by 10.

let's see if it will help stabilize. shouldn't take but a few hours to find out.


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Still laughing at above "delcaring ph drop issue solved" .. pfft. yeah right.

5.2 this morning. I think we're on the right track though. This all started when I switched from tap to distilled and then to RO water. More baking soda. Considering just switching back to fucking tap water and being done with it.


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ph who knows haha .., 1420 ppm (yeah who knows here either. calibrated and ppm jumped up 250+), 67f res
room 68, chamber 1 75, chamber 2 78

5.2ph again. We're on it though. The problem is way too low kh.

No choice today but to flush again dammit. Legendary LA tap water will sort this out! I'm sure being tenacious with baking soda would eventually fix it, but switching back to tap water will do it for sure (if the train of thought is correct), and I no longer have time to fuck with it this week.

Updates sporadic but I'll get em.


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Flushed 10 gallons out, 10 gallons of straight out da hose tap water in.
add 100ml hygrozyme
add 100ml each bloom a / b
add 75ml cal/mag

found one blue dream clone very, very nicely rooted, especially for such a tiny cutting. It was in the original purple box. No others rooted whatsoever, mold showing on some leaves, box tossed. No ancient bagseed sprouts, 1 out of 7 ghetto clones successful. stuck it in a party cup hempy bucket thing until it finds a home.

Plants otherwise looking great. Still shrugging off the yellow, which I'm sure is due to clipping too much while inducing flowering. The 2 plants that I didn't clip as much show zero yellow.

little bits are getting a little frosty ..

ph 5.8, 1200 ppm, 61.5f res


Active Member
PH 5.1 this morning, dropping at a rate now of around .1 every two hours.

So much for fixed.

So if this isn't PH buffering in the water, it's got to be bacterial? Or is there just so much growth for a small res that this is going to happen, period?



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ph was down to 4.7 before it could get handled. PH up'ed to 5.9 4 hours ago. 5.5 now. What in the world is going on? No sign whatsoever of any root funk. Perfect white, smellin' nice, cool water, plenty of bubbles, plus we had this problem with Zone in the sauce before flushing.

back to research. no idea wtf to try next aside from pulling a plant.

PH 5.5, 1350 ppm (probably inaccurate, as usual), 65f res
63 room, 75 chamber 1, 73 chamber 2


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ha! now the power is out for the last few hours and probably a long while more.

we shall overcome.


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so power out yesterday, plants got about 6 hours of light followed by 15 or so hours darkness. no pics to go by this week, but damned if they aren't freakin huge with flowers REALLY going now. Might have been like this before the outage, not sure

had to bump light up another couple inches and trim a few fan leaves.

noticed some red veins on stems that had been nicely greened. increasing cal/mag concentration in the sauce.

ph was at 4.4 by the time i checked on it today. used baking soda to ph up to 6.3. 8 hours later it's at 5.9, so still dropping .1 every 2 hours no matter what i do. wtf?

plants don't care, they are kicking ass. let's hope that continues.

Added 2 gallons RO
20ml each bloom A & B
30ml cal/mag

ph 5.9, 1390ish ppm, 65f
56 room, 75 chamber one, 69 chamber 2
61% room humidity


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PH at next check, about 18 hours later, has dropped more than a full point to 5.2.

any bets on how low it will go before i can adjust it again in 3 days?
can PH go negative?


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PH was down to 4.4, then came up slightly to 4.5. Maybe we've found the bottom floor? PH'd up with baking soda to 6.1, anticipating a drop again.

Light had to be moved up another 4 or 5 inches. The tall girl was burning right up against it.

PH 6.1, 1410ish PPM, 64f res
60f room, 70f both chambers
61% room humidity


Active Member
PH is 5.7 today, a good 18 hours after last PH check. Are we on to something? Could this really be PH buffering, to be solved with baking soda? Nute levels down some? Gods of OG just fucking with me?

We shall see.

Glad I've been logging daily numbers. Looking back, another interesting bit becomes the PPM, which is still 1410, same as at PH check last night. It had been going up at least 20 per day. Notice the curve to it. PPM went up rapidly in the last week then slowed down to level off. If this coincides with PH mystically becoming cool again then maybe I've been way overfertilizing, at least from the perspective of the sauce.


Active Member
thats a shame about your power going out, glad the ladies are still good tho :) Never heard of anyone using baking soda to change thier ph lol(maybe I am just a hydro nube i donno) thats awesome man!


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yeah me neither until reading that article about ph buffering. from what i can tell, and maybe im wrong, regular ph up solution will up ph fine, but baking soda will up both ph and kh, which is basically amount of ph buffering.

still dont know whats going on or what was going on, but damned if ph hasn't been pegged fine for 30 someodd hours now. will figure it out later this week.

power going out seems like it was a good thing. buds going crazy after that lights out for a day experience. i may damn well incorporate that into the regimen permanently. have heard of people doing it but never thought it would do much. no doubt now though, it works.

ph 5.5, 1410 ppm, 64f res
60 room, 70 both chambers
65% room humid